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In 1840, both Lucretian Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton resented _being refused_ proper seating at the World's Antislavery convention in London because of their sex


The Lucretian version of Epicureanism distinguishes between animus and anima: the latter only is soul in the biological sense, the former is the higher, directing principle in the Stoic terminology, whose seat is the heart, the centre of the cognitive and emotional life.

该版本的享乐主义Lucretian区分阿尼姆斯和灵魂:后者不仅是企业的灵魂在生物意义上说,前者是高,指导原则(以hegemonikon )在斯多葛术语,其座位的心脏,该中心的认知和情感生活。