英语人>词典>英汉 : Louis的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

Louis ['lu(:)i; 'lu(:)is]



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Carrefour is France's largest supermarket chain, Louis Vuitton France - to win Hennessy Group has increased by the second-largest shareholder as the first major shareholders, France Louis Vuitton - to win the group Hennessy Louis Vuitton, Dior, Effendi, Jiao Portland, Clinique, Kenzo Sifulan cosmetics stores, as well as Hennessy such as wine, champagne and cognac brands, Louis Vuitton has amounted to - depends on a lot of money donated, Canada The torch relay on the Paris streets to see the process of the French people support Tibet independence, and there is no reason to give French people send money to buy their goods, please remember these brands: Carrefour, marked cars, iron - Long car, Luoyiweide, L'Oreal, Chanel, Lancome.

家乐福是法国最大的超市连锁集团,目前法国路易威登-莫特轩尼诗集团已经由第二大股东上升为第一大股东,法国路易威登-莫特轩尼诗集团旗下路易威登、迪奥、芬迪、娇兰、倩碧、Kenzo 丝芙兰化妆品卖场,以及轩尼诗等葡萄酒、香槟酒和干邑品牌,路易威登曾经给达-赖捐过不少钱,加上这次巴黎圣火传递过程中看见满街的法国人支持藏独,实在没有有理由再给法国人送钱买他们的商品,请大家记住这些牌子:家乐福、标志汽车、雪铁龙汽车、路易维登、欧莱雅、香奈尔、兰蔻。

Throughout his public service career, Peter Kinder has been honored by various groups for his record and achievements· His awards include: Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout; a special award from St· Louis Children's Hospital, SSM Cardinal Glennon Hospital, and Children's Mercy of Kansas City for support of the State Children's Health Program and health care programs benefiting Missouri children; March of Dimes for Continued Commitment to Infant Healthcare; Southeast Missouri State University Alumni Association Distinguished Service Award; St· Louis Business Journal Legislative Award; Missouri Farm Bureau Outstanding Service to Agriculture; St· Louis Regional Commerce and Growth Association Lewis and Clark Statesman Award for Outstanding Leadership; Missouri Restaurant Association Distinguished Service; Associated Industries of Missouri Voice of Missouri Business; Missouri Right to Life Defender of Life; Southeast Missouri Alliance for Disability Independence Elected Official Award; SSM Cardinal Glennon Hospital Child Advocate Award for Civic Commitment; National Federation of Independent Businesses Guardian of Small Business; Missouri State Medical Association for dedication to improving health care; and Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry Spirit of Enterprise· cil, a Washington, D·C·, based association of state legislators

在他的公职生涯中,一直保持着各项记录和奖项,其中包括:美国男童军雄鹰奖,圣路易儿童医院特别奖,堪萨斯市儿童慈善奖(支持国家儿童健康和保健计划,并使密苏里儿童从中获益),三月Dimes奖(坚持对婴儿健康项目的承诺),东南密苏里州立大学校友会杰出服务奖,圣路易商业杂志立法奖,密苏里州农场局优秀农业服务奖,圣路易地区商业发展协会颁发的刘易斯和克拉克杰出政治家领导奖,密苏里餐厅协会杰出服务奖,密苏里工业企业协会颁发的密苏里商业之声奖,密苏里捍卫生命权奖,东南密苏里残疾人士联盟颁发的政府奖,SSMG Cardinal Glennon 医院公益承诺与儿童奖,全国独立企业联盟小型企业卫士奖,密苏里州医药协会颁发的改善医疗保健服务奖,密苏里商业和工业协会颁发的企业精神奖及美国法律交流委员会颁发的奖项。

Is the ferment of the peoples of the west towards the end of last century, and their rush to the east, explained by the activity of Louis XIV., Louis XV., and Louis XVI., or their mistresses and ministers, or by the life of Napoleon, of Rousseau, of Diderot, of Beaumarchais, and others?


更多网络解释 与Louis相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1766年 路易斯(louis)出生. 1779年 黎斯特与尼可拉斯(nicolas)私奔去巴黎,成为一名演员. 黎斯特把母亲卡布瑞(gabrielle)变成吸血鬼. 克劳蒂亚(claudia)出生. 1862年 克劳蒂亚攻击黎斯特并把他的遗体扔进沼泽. 当黎斯特幸免遇难回去时,


除了远远走在前头的英国和尼德兰之外,法国农业并不逊于大陆其 它国家.① 当时法国币值的计算单位是里弗尔(livre)或法郎(franc)但实际流通的货币分金银铜三种:金币 1 路易(Louis)=24 里弗尔;银币 1 埃居(é cu)=3 里弗尔;


今次已是笔者第二次跟古天乐(Louis)做访问,犹记得三年前问及他护肤心得,他只是轻描淡写一句:「最紧要省时快捷. 」事隔数年,Louis像脱胎换骨一样,对护理肌肤甚为埏礡G「近年我发现紫外铫原来是肌肤的大敌,皆因早前到了敦煌、沙漠拍戏,



Louis Koo:主 演 古天乐

ng) 主演: 张学友 (Jacky Cheung) 袁咏仪 (AnitaYuen)...别名 花田喜事 花田囍事2010 时长 中国:114分钟 国家地区 中国香港 上映信息 2010年2月11日 中国香港 导演 谷德昭 (Vincent Kok) 主演: 古天乐 (Louis Koo)....花田国王沧

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