英语人>词典>英汉 : Lieutenant Commander的中文,翻译,解释,例句
Lieutenant Commander的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Lieutenant Commander

Lieutenant Commander的基本解释


lieutenant commander
更多网络例句与Lieutenant Commander相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I can't believe the Lieutenant Commander would be using it… but Mendez is another story.


Lieutenant Commander Asakura, I'm giving you this first and only warning.

中尉指挥官 Asakura,我正在给你这第一并且只有警告。

There was the slightest hesitation, and then she replied,"How could I, Lieutenant Commander?"


And it was with Lieutenant Commander Asakura, correct?

" / "而且它是由於中尉指挥官 Asakura,正确的?

"Report," he said to Lieutenant Commander Waters.


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更多网络解释与Lieutenant Commander相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lieutenant Commander:少校

Meyrick)少校(Lieutenant Commander)朗声宣读来自任务部队旗舰拉格斯(H.M.S. Largs)号一份模棱两可的电文:"至目前无驳火发生, 登陆行动未受抵抗. 除非有必要, 尔等亦不得擅启衅端". 言毕, 引发一阵哄笑. 是一枚由港口方向发射,

Lieutenant Commander:海军少校

海軍中校-----Commander | 海軍少校-----Lieutenant Commander | 海軍上尉-----Lieutenant

Lieutenant Commander:少校(海軍)軍事軍階

10606少校(英國空軍)軍事軍階squadron leader | 10607少校(海軍)軍事軍階lieutenant-commander | 10608少校(陸軍,空軍)軍事軍階major

Lieutenant Commander:少校","Lieutenant Commander","少校

"Commander","中校","Commander","中校" | "Lieutenant Commander","少校","Lieutenant Commander","少校" | "Lieutenant","上尉","Lieutenant","上尉"

Lieutenant Commander Galloway:盖洛维少校的

Daniel Kaffee. I was told to me with, uh...|丹尼.凯菲,我是来见 | Lieutenant Commander Galloway.|盖洛维少校的 | About a briefing?|来了解一下情况

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