英语人>词典>英汉 : Lavelle的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[人名] [爱尔兰姓氏] 拉韦尔盖尔语姓氏的英语形式, 来源于人名, 含义是“运动, 旅行”(movement,travel)

更多网络例句与Lavelle相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You're probably saying to yourself, But LaVelle, what was his presentation like?


As you may remember, I'm preparing to introduce a clothing line: LaVelle Style.

好像你记得的那样,我准备做一个服装品牌:LaVelle Style。

Here at The LaVelle Organization, I believe in one thing when it comes to my employees and that is "upward mobility."

在The LaVelle Organization,我相信我的雇员都有"上进心"这种东西。

Now, I may hate to admit this, but I also exert control by authoritative means: I'm the President of The LaVelle Organization. I've got the title and therefore the authority.

现在,我可能不愿意承认,但是我还是会用权威的手段进行管理:我是The LaVelle Organization的总裁,我有这个头衔,所以我就拥有这个权威。

I stood up at the formal meeting and announced that I hadn't waited for them to make up their minds and that The LaVelle Organization had already purchased the property.

在开会的时候,我通知那些金融家,我不等他们得出结论了,The LaVelle Organization已经买下了那个物业。

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更多网络解释与Lavelle相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

LaVelle:拉威尔 为盗贼公会服务的巫师

"Laughing Flow,The" 欢笑溪 | LaVelle 拉威尔 为盗贼公会服务的巫师 | Liam Thistledown 连恩.李斯特登 李斯特登家的幼子

Caroline Lavelle:[大提琴]

[合成器]Laurie Mayer, Rico Conning | [大提琴]Caroline Lavelle | [中提琴]Jocelyn Pook


Laurie,Simon Somerville 劳里760 | Lavelle,Louis 拉维勒778 | law 法律 286

Brand: Lavelle:品牌

Brand: Lavelle 品牌: lavelle | Feature: BRIGGS VACUITY FLAPPER 特写:布里格斯虚flapper | Label: Lavelle Ind. 标签: lavelle工业

工作室: lavelle工业:Studio: Lavelle Ind

Sales Rank: 88569 销售排名: 88569 | Studio: Lavelle Ind. 工作室: lavelle工业 | Features: 特点:

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