英语人>词典>英汉 : Lantern Festival的中文,翻译,解释,例句
Lantern Festival的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Lantern Festival

Lantern Festival的基本解释

秋夕, 中秋节, 月节, 团圆节, 农历八月十五, 仲秋节, 月夕

Lantern Festival所属的单词分类
New Year / 新年 [157]

yin and yang  ·  twelve o'clock  ·  steamed fish  ·  spring rolls  ·  phases of the moon  ·  noise maker  ·  lion dance  ·  dimsum  ·  Auld Lang Syne  ·  New Year cake

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There are many traditional festivals and fairs in Tibet, including the Tibetan New Year, Sakadawa Festival, Ongkor Festival, Shoton Festival, Bathing Festival, Butter Lamp Festival, Dharma Festival, Burning Offerings Festival, Garchachen Festival, and Horse Race Fair of Lhasa and the many festivals of other places. Religious festivals celebrated by monasteries include the Shimo Chento Festival of Tashilhunpo Monastery, Nganjo Festival of Ganden Monastery, Collecting Sutras and Religious Dance festivals of Samye Monastery, July Vajra Festival of Sakya Monastery, Erecting the Prayer Banner Pole Festival of Tsurpu Monastery, and Paltung Tanbo Festival of Radreng Monastery. In addition, the Tibetans also celebrate some national and international festivals such as International Working Women's Day (March 8th), International Labor Day (May 1st), Chinese Youth Festival (May 4th), International Children's Day (June 1st) and National Day (October 1st).


There are many traditional festivals and fairs in Tibet, including the Tibetan New Year, Sakadawa Festival, Ongkor Festival, Shoton Festival, Bathing Festival, Butter Lamp Festival, Dharma Festival, Burning Offerings Festival, Garchachen Festival, and Horse Race Fair of Lhasa and the many festivals of other places. Religious festivals celebrated by monasteries include the Shimo Chento Festival of Tashilhunpo Monastery, Nganjo Festival of Ganden Monastery, Collecting Sutras and Religious Dance festivals of Samye Monastery, July Vajra Festival of Sakya Monastery, Erecting the Prayer Banner Pole Festival of Tsurpu Monastery, and Paltung Tanbo Festival of Radreng Monastery.


There are many traditional festivals and fairs in Tibet, including the Tibetan New Year, Sakadawa Festival, Ongkor Festival, Shoton Festival, Bathing Festival, Butter Lamp Festival, Dharma Festival, Burning Offerings Festival, Garchachen Festival, and Horse Race Fair of Lhasa and the many festivals of other places. Religious festivals celebrated by monasteries include the Shimo Chento Festival of Tashilhunpo Monastery, Nganjo Festival of Ganden Monastery, Collecting Sutras and Religious Dance festivals of Samye Monastery, July Vajra Festival of Sakya Monastery, Erecting the Prayer Banner Pole Festival of Tsurpu Monastery, and Paltung Tanbo Festival of Radreng Monastery.


更多网络解释 与Lantern Festival相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lantern Festival:元宵节

帝诞 农历正月十五 元宵节(Lantern Festival),又称"上元节" 农历正月十六 头牙 农历正月二六 观音开库 农历二月初二 春龙节 又叫龙抬头 青龙节 农历二月十三 洪圣诞 农历二月十九 观音诞(2月) 农历三月初三 北帝诞 清明节前一天 寒食节,

Lantern Festival:灯节

为了助与会者的兴,我出了一个灯谜(农历正月十五为元宵节,即灯节(Lantern Festival),将谜语(riddle)写在灯笼(lantern)上,故称之为灯谜(lantern riddles),我市趵突泉公园即有猜灯谜盛会(Grand Meeting of Guessing Lantern Riddles),

Lantern Festival:农历正月十五 元宵节

对我来说的确已不具有那种持续想一直看的剧情张力;唯一可以持续吸引我看完的,剩下导演对于场景和角色的塑造与定位,以及演员们诠释角色与小说内的差异 农历节日 农历正月初一春节(the Spring Festival) 农历正月十五元宵节(Lantern Festival) 农历五月初五端午

Lantern Festival:元宵节 ","元宵节

猜灯谜、放鞭炮、耍龙灯、踩高跷、舞狮、划旱船、祭门、祭户、逐鼠、送孩儿灯、迎紫姑、走百病、吃元宵、赏月、看花灯、 元宵节 元宵节(lantern festival) 每年农历的正月十五,春节刚过,迎来的就是中国的传统节日?

The Lantern Festival:元宵节

嘿嘿,今天我非常开心,因为今天是中国农历新年(the Lunar New Year)的元宵节(the Lantern Festival),这可是小D最喜欢的节日之一呢,可以吃香香甜甜的汤圆(英国人管它叫做:sweet dumplings,美国人管它叫做rice ball,也有外国人直接借用它的中文发音:Tang Yuan),

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