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Kobe ['kəubi]



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更多 网络例句 与Kobe相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After the game start, Kobe is keeping a hot hand, scored 20 point in the first quarter, though Lakers just lead the Nuggets one point after first quarter, Kobe's play made everyone jump out from their seat and screaming out. The second and third quarter Kobe didn't do well, but the last quarter he made it as his own show, 19 point in the fourth quarter, and at the last 2 minutes, the Nuggets surrendered, the game had no suspense.


But, seriously, think about this: Kobe is already damn near unguardable as it is...what if Kobe had LeBron's size, strength, and athleticism to go with his Kobe skill set?


But it could be that the biggest difference between perceptions of the two players', the biggest reason why MJ will be remembered so adoringly, while Kobe could be remembered by some as much with vitriol as love, is because Kobe played in a time when everybody in the world had access to every aspect of his career, positive and negative, while Jordan played in a time when the general NBA fan only heard about his greatness.

但是外界对于这两人的看法也许就是他们最大的不同之处了,乔丹会被受崇拜地记得,而科比则会流连于爱与恨之间,这是因为科比处于一个所有人都可以关注到他生涯每一个细节的世界,无论是正面的还是负面的,而乔丹所处的时代大体上的 NBA 球迷只能听到乔丹的伟大。

更多网络解释 与Kobe相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Kobe Bryant:科比

比赛开始,哇塞,老大好帅,我的老大是湖人当家球星,24号科比,(KOBE BRYANT)喜欢他很多年了,喜欢他的嚣张喜欢他的任性喜欢他的彪悍.总之球迷喜欢球星是没有任何理由的.此刻有些怀念杨欢,每次火箭跟湖人比赛时就是我两最像仇人的时候.互相红着眼瞪着对方,

Kobe Bryant:科比.布莱恩特

另一个玩家则更为嚣张,居然使用了美国现役NBA巨星"科比.布莱恩特"(Kobe Bryant)的名字. 他在游戏中刚一出现,立刻引起了众多玩家的普遍关注. 此人球技精湛,动作招式与现实中的科比十分相似,就连一些比赛时的习惯性动作也有诸多相同之处.

Kobe Bryant:小飞侠

他是我生涯中看过最好的防守球员之一,他也拥有不错的跳投以及三分投射能力,不过他始终无法成为像小飞侠(Kobe Bryant)或是小皇帝(LeBron James)那样一肩扛起球队胜败的球员.

Kobe Bryant:高比拜仁

其中 高比拜仁 (Kobe Bryant) 个人独取 33分 ,而 奥当 (Lamar Odom) 和 拜林 (Andrew Bynum) 均有著双十的表现. 今仗对阵小牛 ,在 加素尔 (Pau Gasol) 可能依旧缺阵的情况下 ,相信湖人会让 艾迪斯 (Ron Artest) 和 奥当 轮流去防守 诺域斯基 (Dirk Nowitzki),


日本国际海运专线: 东京(TOKYO)横滨(YOKOHAMA)大阪(OSAKA)名古屋(NAGOYA) 神户(KOBE) 广州市乐风物流有限公司是一家综合性的国际货运代理企业,具有完善的全球性运输网络,乐风物流以广州、深圳地区为依托,覆盖珠三角华南地区.

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