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King charles spaniel的中文,翻译,解释,例句

King charles spaniel

King Charles spaniel
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The King Charles Spaniel adapts itself to the family activities for it's daily exercise needs.


This is a congenital disease most commonly found in small breeds, especially the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.


This breed shares the same ancestry as the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and were popular in both England and Europe around 3-4 centuries ago.


Later in the 1920s, breeders wanted to restore the longer shaped muzzles of the original King Charles Spaniel, which resulted in two distinct types.

后来在1920年代,育种者想要恢复的时间越长形颈圈的原国王查尔斯spaniel ,这就导致两种截然不同的类型。

The King Charles Spaniel is similar to the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel except that it has a shorter nose and a more domed head.


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King Charles Spaniel:查理士王小猎犬

查理士王小猎犬(KING CHARLES SPANIEL)历史:查理士王猎犬起源于中国或日本. 长期以来在法国被用作狩猎犬种. 16世纪初,越过英吉利海峡到达英国. 19世纪初,被用来狩猎山雉,并且经过选拔配种产生了现代具有优良性格,鼻子较短的品种.

King Charles Spaniel:查理王小猎犬

和象丝一样柔软的被毛. 它具有紧凑强壮的身体和迷人的气质,圆圆的脑袋,明亮的黑眼睛,柔和的脸部曲线,显示出这是一种独特的、有个性的狗. 它最重要的特征就在于它的头. 人们经常将查理王小猎犬(King Charles Spaniel)与其混淆,但其实两者是不同的犬

King Charles Spaniel:查理士王子獵犬

冠毛犬 ( Chinese Crested Dog ) | 查理士王子獵犬 ( King Charles Spaniel ) | 長毛吉娃娃 ( Long - Coated )

King Charles Spaniel:(查理王獵犬)

Japanese Spitz (日本松鼠狗) | King Charles Spaniel (查理王獵犬) | Kishu (紀州犬)

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel:查理士王小猎犬

1908年慈禧太后死后,这种犬才秘密 .....查理士王小猎犬-Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 查理士王小猎犬(Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) 一、[简介] 查理士王小猎犬是一种活泼、文雅、匀称的玩具犬,非常华丽而且大方.

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