英语人>词典>英汉 : Kenyatta的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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She got a book on Kenya written by the first president of the nation, Jomo Kenyatta.

她找到一本关于肯尼亚的书,那本书是肯尼亚的第一任总统Jomo Kenyatta写的。

The president of Kenya, Jomo Kenyatta, eventually heard about Barack Sr.

肯尼亚总统,Jomo Kenyatta,最终听到了他的言论并把他逐出政府。

Even so, Blatter said, 'I feel tremendously positive' and a dozen hours after he landed at Jomo Kenyatta airport, he was up in the air again, on the way back to Sunny Hill.

即便如此,布拉特还是表示说:&我信对此心十足&,在抵达乔莫·肯雅塔机场的仅仅十几个小时候,然后又在飞回Sunny Hill的路上。

The president of Kenya, Jomo Kenyatta, eventually heard about Barack Sr.


Even so, Blatter said, 'I feel tremendously positive' and a dozen hours after he landed at Jomo Kenyatta airport, he was up in the air again, on the way back to Sunny Hill.


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更多网络解释与Kenyatta相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Kenyatta Conference Centre:肯雅塔会议中心

Kenyan Battalion;肯尼亚营;KENBAT; | Kenyatta Conference Centre;肯雅塔会议中心;; | Kenyatta International Conference Centre;肯雅塔国际会议中心;;


肯特 Kent,R.P. | 肯雅泰,若莫 Kenyatta,Jomo | 科尔 Cole,G.D.H.


KENWORTHY, Holly Anne;霍利.安妮.肯沃西;; | KENYATTA, Jomo;乔莫.肯雅塔;; | KENYON, I.R.;凯尼恩;;

Jomo Kenyatta:肯雅塔

乔摩.肯雅塔(Jomo Kenyatta)总统建立了一党制国家,统治方式也日益独裁. 总统1978年去世的时候,肯尼亚的繁荣年代刚刚结束,原因是进口石油的价格上涨和该国主要出口产品的价格下跌. 肯雅塔去世后,权力由丹尼尔.阿拉普.莫伊(Daniel arap Moi)接替,

Uhuru Kenyatta:肯尼亚总统侯选人

Ugandan 乌干达 | Uhuru Kenyatta 肯尼亚总统侯选人 | Uruguay 乌拉圭

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