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When we leave this jurisprudence at the epoch of its final reconstruction by Justinian, few traces of archaism can be discovered in any part of it except in the single article of the extensive powers still reserved to the living Parent.
All change and suffering in Christ must be (as the Julianists and Justinian rightly saw) strictly voluntary, in so far as the union gives to the Sacred Humanity a right and claim to beatification and to deification.
Papebroch, in his notice on Henschen printed at the beginning of the seventh volume of May, points out as particularly his the toil expended on the acts of St. Wittikind, St. Canute, and St. Raymond of Pennafort on the seventh of January; of St. Atticus of Constantinople and Blessed Laurence Justinian on the eighth; of Sts.
papebroch ,在他的公告亨申印在一开始的第七货量可能也指出,作为特别是他的辛劳,花费的行为,圣wittikind ,圣canute ,和圣雷蒙德彭纳福特关于第七届一月;圣atticus的君士坦丁堡,并祝福劳伦斯justinian关于第八届;渗透
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Corpus Juris Civilis:《优士丁尼民法大全》(《国法大全>
优士丁尼皇帝 justinian | >(>)corpus juris civilis | 有法必依 ensure that laws are observed
当时正值东罗马帝国的查士丁一世、查士丁尼一世叔侄俩前后担任奥古斯都的时期,这场前后葬送近亿人性命的瘟疫也间接导致了东罗马帝国的衰落. 于是这场疫病流行就有了一个遗臭史册的名称:"查士丁尼(Justinian)瘟疫".
优士丁尼法典 the codex justinianus | 优士丁尼皇帝 justinian | >(>)corpus juris civilis