Jacob's ladder
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绳梯, 天梯
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Jacob's ladder ( Jacob's ladder ) Code Old Testament.
雅各的梯子(Jacob's ladder 典出《旧约。
After the unrated player chooses a rated player on the ladder and arranges with him/her an Initial Rating Match: a if the unrated player wins 3-0, he/she will receive the rating of the rated player plus 50 points; if wins 3-1 plus 25; if wins 3-2 plus 10; c if the unrated player loses 2-3 he/she will receive a rating 50 points lower then the rated player but not below the rating of the lowest player on the ladder; if 1-3 he/she will receive a rating 100 points lower then the rated player but not below the rating of the lowest player in the ladder; if 0-3 he/she will receive a rating 200 points lower then the rated player but not below the rating of the lowest player in the ladder.
在未积分参赛者从已积分参赛者中选出一人并安排与其进行一场初始排名赛后:(1)如果未积分参赛者以3比0获胜,其将获得对手积分加50分;若以3比1获胜,则获对手积分加25分;若以3比2获胜,则获对手积分加10分;(2)若未积分参赛者以2比3落败,其将获得对手积分减50分,但不低于进阶赛最低参赛者的积分;若以1比3落败,其将获得对手积分减100分,但不低于进阶赛最低参赛者的积分;若以0比3落败,其将获得对手积分减200分,但不低于进阶赛最低参赛者的积分; 27、初始积分赛的结果对于被挑战的已积分参赛者的积分不产生影响。
On the other hand, Jacob's involvement so that the feelings of their red light to visit the injured in Beira Jacob, the Jacob King took her to his home, the opportunity to declare her love, and regardless of the wishes of her kissing her.
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Jacob's Ladder:异世浮生
空前最恐怖的科幻场景是电影<<异世浮生>>(Jacob's Ladder)中的地狱般的军人医院. 本片是说从越战生还返家的军人提姆.罗宾斯在越南时服用了神秘的"超级士兵"药物,药物和高科技战争导致这家伙出现了精神问题后遗症――癔病,常出现被追杀的幻觉,
Jacob's Ladder:雅各的梯子
第一行Jacobs-Rosenbaum(雅各布逊、罗森鲍姆二位语言学家)被解释为意指雅各的梯子(Jacob's Ladder);[17] 也有学生说,在这首诗中,到达天堂的媒介不是梯子,是玫瑰树(rosetree)即"rosenbaum"被明显认为是指圣母玛利亚.
Jacob's Ladder:時空攔截
<<时空拦截>>(Jacob's ladder)是情欲大导演安德里亚.林恩(<<致命吸引力>>、<<出轨>>)转变风格的代表作. 本片呈现一种亦真亦幻的恐怖经验,分不清楚究竟是在梦中或是现实?让人有种熟悉却又陌生的错觉. 影片介于逻辑与抽象之间,有种捉摸不定的调性.
Jacob's Ladder:天梯
这部Erskine和McCullough合作的首部作品是恐怖片,用灵活的手法交织出了一个发生在城市中的神秘故事 - 从偷肾到外星人劫持,然后到操纵药品公司;这里是偏执狂的天堂. 与令人回忆的<<天梯>>(Jacob's Ladder)和比较阴暗的<<死亡幻觉>>(Donnie Darko)一样,故事结构依然保持了这一风格,仿佛魔方一样,
Adrian Lyne :: Jacob's Ladder:阿德里安.莱恩::危险关系(异世浮生、時空攔截)
Coppola :: The Conversation--科波拉::... | Adrian Lyne :: Jacob's Ladder--阿德里安.莱恩::危险关系(异世浮生、時空攔截) | Robert LePage :: Le Confessional, Polygraph --罗伯特.勒帕热::我为兄狂(告解室、天伦梦...
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