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Indian summer的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Indian summer

Indian summer的基本解释

小阳春, 兴旺的晚期

indian summer ·  Indian Summer
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The results obtained revealed that:(1) the Pacific yellowfin has larger ring-radii as well as scale size than the Indian Yellowfin;(2) the specimens from the western Indian have larger value in scale size and ring-radii than those from eastern Indian;(3) there is a significant difference in the estimated growth curves between male and female for the Pacific specimens, but not for the Indian specimens; and (4) it is convinced that there are two yellowfin groups in the Indian Ocean, viz., one concentrates in the western Indian and the other densely distributes in the waters around Sunda Islands and Banda Sea; intermingling of these two groups is supposed to be occurred around 100°E in the season of northern summer.

3李氏现象在太平洋和印度洋都很显著。(4)年轮每年形成二次,时间为2~4月及8~10月。(5)有关成长的parameters如下:太平洋K=0.386 L=174.9 t0=0.05 东印度洋 K=0.278 L=212.7 t0=-0.19 中印度洋 K=0.290 L=215.6 t0=-0.01 西印度洋 K=0.349 L=191.1 t0=0.06 (6)由钓获率的分布、体长组成和其他生物学资料及以往之结果加以综合分析,显示印度洋的黄鳍鲔可分为东、西两个族羣,一为以班达海和小巽他羣岛附近海域为中心的东方羣,另一则以西部印度洋赤道流域为中心的西方羣。此两羣在100°E附近发生混合交流。当北半球的夏天时,此混合交流的现象较为显著。

For the climatic characteristics of the onset of the SCS summer monsoon, results reveal: 1 the SCS summer monsoon brusts at the 4th pentad in May; 2 the onset of the SCS summer monsoon is closely related to the southwesterly monsoon over the eastern Bay of Bengal, as induced by the intensification and eastward advancement of the latter; 3 the rainy season of the SCS summer monsoon bursts after the onset of the SCS summer monsoon basically; and 4 the atmospheric circulations exhibit rapid changes at different heights over the SCS and its adjacent districts, during the establishment peroid of the SCS summer monsoon, these include: i in lower troposphere, the southward expansion and deepening of the Indo-Burma trough; ii in middle troposphere, the rapid easterward retreat of the western Pacific subtropicl high form the SCS region, iii in upper troposphere, the fast radiation of the easterlies form the center of the SCS region to the whole of it apparently.


Difference of nitrogen competition and utilization in relay system Relay-planted with same late maturity or early maturity spring-sown maize, the yearly nitrogen absorption quantity of summer-sown late maturity maize YD 13 was highest, those of summer-sown middle maturity maize were middle, and those of summer-sown early maturity maize were lowest. While relay-planted with middle maturity, the yearly nitrogen absorption quantity of summer-sown late maturity maize YD13 was highest, those of summer-sown early maturity maize were middle, and those of summer-sown middle maturity maize were lowest.

不同熟期春夏玉米套作氮素竞争利用及其对产量和品质的影响 2.1 套作体系氮素竞争利用差异研究结果表明,与相同晚熟、早熟春玉米套作的夏晚熟品种YD13套作模式全年吸氮量均较高,其次是中熟品种,早熟品种全年吸氮量最低;而与中熟春玉米品种套作时,仍以夏晚熟品种YD13套作模式全年吸氮量最高,其次是早熟品种,中熟品种套作模式全年吸氮量最低。

更多网络解释 与Indian summer相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Indian summer:小阳春

是的,这是深秋,亦即北佬们所谓的"小阳春"(Indian Summer),下半年中最值得留恋的好天气. 不久寒流将从北极掠过加拿大的平原南侵,那便是戴皮帽、穿皮衣、着长统靴子在雪中挣扎的日子了. 而此刻,太阳正凝望平原上做着金色梦的玉蜀黍们;

Indian summer:印第安的夏天

最开始,他们并不顺利,他们带着录制好的>(Break on Through)、>(Crystal Ship)、>(Indian Summer)等单曲寻找可以签约的唱片公司,在遭到了包括Warner Bros.、Atlantic、RCA等唱片公司的拒绝后,

Indian summer:印地安的夏天

但暂不纯美的相遇/印地安的夏天(Indian Summer)下载. 建优质网站,拒绝违法色情信息. 所有资源收集于网络,仅做宽带测试,如侵害您的权益请及时联系我们. 本站不具有有关纯美的相遇/印地安的夏天(Indian Summer)的所有版权,相关版权归原著作权人所有!

Indian summer:春

小阳春(Indian Summer) 的手机铃声下载服务,由第三方提供. 本站不参与任何收费. 如有任何问题,请致电相关页面的客服号码.

Indian Summer Rain:印地安夏雨

11 木星 Jupiter | 12 印地安夏雨 Indian Summer Rain | 13 晨光 Morning Air

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