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India rubber的中文,翻译,解释,例句

India rubber

India rubber的基本解释

弹性橡皮, 天然橡胶

india rubber
更多网络例句与India rubber相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A yellowish, amorphous, elastic material obtained from the milky sap or latex of various tropical plants, especially the rubber tree, and vulcanized, pigmented, finished, and modified into products such as electric insulation, elastic bands and belts, tires, and containers.Also called caoutchouc , India rubber

橡胶:一种浅黄色的弹性非晶体物质,从各种热带植物尤其是橡胶树的乳液或胶乳中提取,然后加以硫化、着色、磨光、加工成如电绝缘材料、弹性带和弹性条、轮胎和容器等产品也作 caoutchouc , India rubber

When i was as old as you , i was a feeling fellow enough ; partial to the unfledged , unfostered , and unlucky ; but fortune has knocked me about since : she has even kneaded me with her knuckles , and now i flatter myself i am hard and tough as an india - rubber ball ; pervious , though , through a chink or two still , and with one sentient point in the middle of the lump


Once the grid leak the gum is fully populated, each subsequent blade completed a business card printing and membership card making his screen most of the leakage holes will be printed on China and India rubber to PCB.


In 1840, the Englishman Thomas Hancock designed inflatable craft and described this work in "The Origin and Progress of India Rubber Manufacture in England" published a few years later. In 1844, a Lieutenant Halkett designed a round-shaped inflatable bloat which was used in several Arctic expeditions.


This is India's first large-scale rubber Forum, invited from around the world rubber production enterprises and tire industry leader.


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更多网络解释与India rubber相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

india rubber:橡胶

index value 给定值 | india rubber 橡胶 | indicating instrument 指示器

india rubber:印度橡胶

india-rubber cable 胶皮电缆 | india-rubber 印度橡胶 | Indian abutilon 印度苘麻

india rubber:弹性橡皮

India paper 圣经纸 | India rubber 弹性橡皮 | India 印度

india rubber:通讯中用以代表字母的词橡胶

India-rubber strip 橡胶条 | India-rubber 通讯中用以代表字母的词橡胶 | India-rubber 橡胶

India rubber fig:橡皮树

罗汉松-------------yew podocarpus | 橡皮树-------------India rubber fig | 榕树--------------smallfruit fig

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