英语人>词典>英汉 : Hymenocallis的中文,翻译,解释,例句




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I aquired my first bulbs from a neighbor up the dirt road from my house, and they have bloomed faithfully for about six years in a large bed with dutch and bearded irises, hymenocallis, hippeastrum and other lilies like Easter, Stargazer, and some other hybrids!


The Burj Khalifa's design is derived from the patterning systems embodied in Islamic architecture, with the triple-lobed footprint of the building based on an abstracted version of the desert flower hymenocallis which is native to the Dubai region.


更多网络解释与Hymenocallis相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Habranthus 大韭蘭屬 | Hymenocallis 蜘蛛百合屬 | Hippeastrum 孤挺花屬

Hymenocallis Salisb:水鬼蕉属

07. 全能花属 Pancratium Linn. | 08. 水鬼蕉属 Hymenocallis Salisb. | 09. 朱顶红属 Hippeastrum Herb.

Hymenocallis festalis:秘鲁黄水仙

山黄栀 Gardenia augusta | 秘鲁黄水仙 Hymenocallis festalis | 檵木 Loropetalum chinense

Hymenocallis speciosa:蜘蛛兰

蜘蛛兰(Hymenocallis speciosa)又称:蜘蛛百合,因花形酷似蜘蛛而得名. 原产美洲,是石蒜科的多年生球根花卉,另有一种蜘蛛兰则是兰科植物,花形同様酷似蜘蛛,异花同名. 蜘蛛兰的同属植物约有40种,大多分布于东南亚和大洋洲的热带丛林中. 蜘蛛兰花形奇特,

Hymenocallis speciosa:萱草

向日葵 Helianthus cannuus | 萱草 Hymenocallis speciosa | 玉簪 Hosta plantaginea

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