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Huo long的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Huo long

Huo long的基本解释


更多网络例句与Huo long相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

QE has been rumoured with Wallace Huo, Roy Chiu, and some of male co-stars that were rumoured with QE won't have long term friendship/ relationship with QE, because not everyone has MD's kind heart and broad minded to face all those rumours.

D 曾经的霍GG,今天的邱GG,传绯闻的男星很少有能跟恩恩继续长期的友情,因为不是所有人都有小明哥那么好的心态来面对这些绯闻。

An hour later, in the woods on the south side of a path on the manor's east, dirty bookworm, Huo qing-feng, is going through the woods in festinating gait while ten Kui embroidery-clothed assassins are closely going after him. Even if he constantly tries to use those burn-feeling tags to halt them, the assassins fear no more because they had experienced the effect of tag once. Besides, Huo's position is being reported by four flying sun crows so he just can't escape from the chasers. This moment, he reaches the exposed path and feels no good about this so tries to rash into the opposite woods. However, a sun crow has dived to catch his shoulder. He grasps the crow's arm with the other hand and the crow instantly release his shoulder with a sharp cry. Nevertheless, Huo is hit down by another crow's rod then three assassins rash out from the woods and wields long hooks toward Huo. Huo's mouth opens wide and he thinks he will be hauled away like a weak hen. But, all of a sudden, several shines from weapon flashes and three long hooks are cut in a blink!


Story telling ,singing and dancing of Tu jia culture were gestated from Huo long.


更多网络解释与Huo long相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ming men huo wang life gate fire effulgence:命门火旺

龙火内燔 long huo nei fan dragon fire internally blazing | 命门火旺 ming men huo wang life gate fire effulgence | 膀胱气闭 pang guang qi bi bladder qi block


远处,一列(lie)货(huo)车开来,轰(hong)隆(long)隆把大地震(zhen)动. 随(sui)着滚(gun)滚浓(nong)烟(yan)响起刺耳的汽笛(di):"我要进城!我要进城!"绿色的卫兵摇(yao)动满(man)身的叶子,连成一道屏(ping)障(zhang):"烟雾不能进!

long huo nei fan dragon fire internally blazing:龙火内燔

久热伤阴 jiu re shang yin enduring heat damages yin | 龙火内燔 long huo nei fan dragon fire internally blazing | 命门火旺 ming men huo wang life gate fire effulgence