英语人>词典>英汉 : House of god的中文,翻译,解释,例句
House of god的中文,翻译,解释,例句

House of god

House of god的基本解释


house of God · house of god
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God has given them to us so we must not be despondent if we think we can only do a small work in building the house of God.


However, as we come into the house of God, we acknowledge that this is God's dwelling place, it is a holy city.


Returnd from Babylon by leave of Kings Thir Lords, whom God dispos'd, the house of God They first re-edifie, and for a while [ 350 ] In mean estate live moderate, till grown In wealth and multitude, factious they grow; But first among the Priests dissension springs, Men who attend the Altar, and should most Endeavour Peace: thir strife pollution brings [ 355 ] Upon the Temple it self: at last they seise The Scepter, and regard not Davids Sons, Then loose it to a stranger, that the true Anointed King Messiah might be born Barr'd of his right; yet at his Birth a Starr [ 360 ] Unseen before in Heav'n proclaims him com, And guides the Eastern Sages, who enquire His place, to offer Incense, Myrrh, and Gold; His place of birth a solemn Angel tells To simple Shepherds, keeping watch by night; [ 365 ] They gladly thither haste, and by a Quire Of squadrond Angels hear his Carol sung.


更多网络解释与House of god相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

House of God:真主的圣殿

House of Elected Members;民选院;; | House of God;真主的圣殿;; | House of Representatives;1.[美国]众议院 2.[波黑; 克罗地亚]代表院;;

House of God:公司

學校(其他): Catholic and Christian Schools | 公司: House of God | 職業: Servant of God, Evangelizers of the good news

a house of God:教堂

a house of detention 拘留所 | a house of God 教堂 | a house of ill fame 妓院