Homo sapiens [həuməu 'sæpienz]
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- Oh! You Pretty Things
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There were twelve different hepatocyte proteins interacting with HCBP12 by Yeast two-hybrid, containing human sapien apolipoprotein C-I/B, human sapiens mitochondrion, human sapiens metallothionein 2A, human sapiens beta-2-microglobin,human sapiens carboxylesterase, and human sapiens serpin peptidase inhibitor, with known function and one with unknown function.
Thereafter, due to a large number of ancient human fossils found in the material, some people think that the human and ape in the new Middle and Late Miocene Tertiary (180-600 million years ago) started to divide the community a few years Dryopithecus health of various species are the ancestors of monkeys, a species which evolved into the first person Branch representatives - Ramapithecus later evolved from the Ramapithecus dating back 200 million years ago, Australopithecus, and then through the Homo erectus, early Homo sapiens, late Homo sapiens (M. Krume farmer) and evolved into modern man.
The identity between pmDmrt2 and the Dmrt2 of Danio rerio, Xenopus Laevis , Gallus gallus , Mus musculu ,Homo sapiens is 95%, between pmDmrt3 and the Dmrt3 of Danio rerio, Oryzias latipes, Gallus gallus, Rattus norvegicus,Homo sapiens is 85%, and 97% between pmDmrt4 and the Dmrt4 of Oryzias latipes and Takifugurubripes. Our results further reveal the evolutionary conservation of the DM domain gene family in both invertebrates and vertebrates.
序列分析表明,pmDmrt2编码的氨基酸序列与斑马鱼、爪蟾、红原鸡、家鼠、人等的Dmrt2的一致性为95 %;pmDmrt3编码的氨基酸序列与斑马鱼、青鳉、红原鸡、家鼠、人的Dmrt3的一致性为85%;pmDmrt4编码的氨基酸序列与青鳉、红鳍多纪鲀的Dmrt4一致性高达97%,进一步证明该基因家族在无脊椎动物和脊椎动物都具有高度的进化保守性。
- 更多网络解释 与Homo sapiens相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Homo sapiens:智人
随后,现代人类祖先--"智人"(Homo Sapiens)也是首次出现在非洲后,经过西伯利亚和满洲进入了韩半岛. 他们还通过声明向韩国政府提出了以下要求:要求外交通商部立即表示抗议并要求修改;要求教育人力资源部推进设立"古代东北亚史研究中心";
Homo sapiens:人类
麦当娜是Efva的第一位明星顾客,除了玫瑰花瓣耳环,这款"人类"(Homo Sapiens)项链也很受她的喜爱. 正是由于她的推崇,Efva被更多的好莱坞明星所认识、喜爱.
Homo sapiens:种:智人
当今世界人类,不管黑种人、黄种人、白种人还是不同民族的人,都同属一个物种:智人(Homo sapiens). 智人最早出现在25万年前,而在距今10万年前进入晚期智人时代,即解剖结构意义上的现代人出现. 自人科(Hominidae)出现后的数百万年中,
Homo sapiens:智慧人
赫伊津哈区别工匠人(Homo Faber)、智慧人(Homo Sapiens)和游戏人(Homo Ludens),借以说明人类的三种功能. 为什么要做这样的区分呢?这是因为制造工具的能力并非仅见于人类,一些动物已经会制造简单的工具;因为理智仅见于人类,
Homo sapiens sapiens:现代人
晚期智人(新人)阶段(25万年-3万5千年前):现代人(Homo sapiens sapiens)在非洲南部出现,约5万年前,现代人类分布到中东地区,到3万5千年前,现代人类分布到达欧洲-克罗麦古新世(6千5百万年前):除恐龙外,一些在白垩纪集群灭绝中幸存下来的爬行动物类群仍继续生活下去,
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