英语人>词典>英汉 : Grilled chicken的中文,翻译,解释,例句
Grilled chicken的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Grilled chicken

Grilled chicken的基本解释


更多网络例句与Grilled chicken相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He Do as I do, indeed he is the grilled chicken wings, the second group of people.


Would you like your chicken grilled or fried?


I said, 'Some grilled chicken.


Let's face it, it takes time to make grilled chicken and vegetables!!


It's so hot out there that grilled chicken legs are falling right from t..


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更多网络解释与Grilled chicken相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Grilled Chicken:烤鸡

该部还说,检疫官员们在日本Fukuoka Prefecture的Hakata港口,从停放着总共装载有1 528吨称之为"烤鸡"(grilled chicken)的191个集装箱里取出两个集装箱,以随机取样检查(即:抽样检查)的方式对上述产品进行检查.

Grilled Chicken:炙鸡

炙白鸽 Grilled pigeon | 炙鸡 Grilled chicken | 炙沙鸡 Grilled snipe

Grilled Chicken:烧鸡

Grilene 格里琳聚酯-聚醚纤维 | grilled chicken 烧鸡 | grilled ham and chicken 金钱鸡

Grilled Chicken:雞肉

Jalapeno / 辣青椒 NT$50 | Grilled Chicken / 雞肉 NT$50 | Bacon / 培根 NT$50

Grilled Chicken Oouu-la-lah:烤雞

G Greek Salad 希臘沙拉 | Grilled Chicken Oouu-la-lah烤雞 | Grilled Fish with Garlic Butter Saoce烤魚

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