Great Pyrenees
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Last year, he won more shows than any other boxer, and also more than any other dog in the purebred category known as Working Dogs, which also includes Akitas, Alaskan malamutes, Bernese mountain dogs, bull-mastiffs, Doberman pinschers, giant schnauzers, Great Danes, Great Pyrenees, komondors, kuvaszok, mastiffs, Newfoundlands, Portuguese water dogs, Rottweilers, St. Bernards, Samoyeds, Siberian huskies, and standard schnauzers.
去年, 他比其他任何拳师狗赢得了更多比赛,以及比其他任何纯血统范畴中的职业狗都要多,包括美国秋田犬,阿拉斯加爱斯基摩狗,伯恩山犬,斗牛獒犬,德国短毛猎犬,德国刚毛猎犬,大丹狗,大比利牛斯犬,凯里奥犬,匈牙利白狗,大型驯犬;,纽芬兰犬,葡萄牙水狗,罗特威尔犬,圣伯那犬,萨摩犬,西伯利亚哈士奇犬以及标准雪纳瑞。
Shanhaiguan is now the territory of the Great Wall is 26 kilometers length, including: the old leading the Great Wall, Great Wall, South Wing, Guan City, Great Wall, the north wing of the Great Wall, Great Wall, Cape Mount, three off the Great Wall and the nine other locations outside the Great Wall.
The only exception to this rule is if you have a trained, working livestock guardian dog, like a Great Pyrenees or an Anatolian Shepherd.
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Great Pyrenees:大白熊犬
几世纪以来,大白熊犬(Great Pyrenees)在比利牛斯山脉一带用来保护羊群,驱退那些袭击羊群的熊或狼,还曾一度被用于战场. 它的祖先是一千多年前来自亚洲地区的西藏獒犬,后来与这里土生土长的土著犬交配而成. 15世纪,此犬被用于警卫方面,
Great Pyrenees:大白熊
肩高在28CM以下,所有的肩高指的都是成犬身高,贵宾犬的特点就是不掉毛,没有体臭,是单一色系,(就是身上不应该有别的颜色,红就是红,白就是白).聪明所有犬种中智商排第2,极好训练.大白熊(Great Pyrenees)和贵宾犬一样都是原产地法国的狗狗,
Great Pyrenees:大比利牛斯山犬
10.大丹犬 Great Dane | 11.大比利牛斯山犬 Great Pyrenees | 12.大瑞士山地犬 Great Swiss Mountain Dog
Great Pyrenees:大比利牛斯犬 Sussex Spaniel 苏色克斯獚犬
61 Welsh Corgis Pembroke 彭布罗克柯基犬 | 63 Great Pyrenees 大比利牛斯犬 Sussex Spaniel 苏色克斯獚犬 | 64 Brussels Griffon 布鲁塞尔格瑞丰绠