英语人>词典>英汉 : Gospel的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

Gospel ['gɔspəl]



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Luke's Gospel has been called "the Gospel of the nations, full of mercy and hope, assured to the world by the love of a suffering Saviour;""the Gospel of the saintly life;""the Gospel for the Greeks; the Gospel of the future; the Gospel of progressive Christianity, of the universality and gratuitousness of the gospel; the historic Gospel; the Gospel of Jesus as the good Physician and the Saviour of mankind;" the "Gospel of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man;""the Gospel of womanhood;""the Gospel of the outcast, of the Samaritan, the publican, the harlot, and the prodigal;" the Gospel of tolerance.

"卢克的福音被称为"福音的国家,充满慈悲和希望,保证向世界所爱一个痛苦的救世主","福音的saintly生活;","福音为希腊人;福音未来;福音基督教的进步,普遍性和gratuitousness的福音;历史性的福音;福音的耶稣作为良好的医师和人类的救星","福音的父上帝和兄弟的男子;","女性的福音","福音的抛弃,撒玛利亚, publican , harlot ,和浪子","福音容忍。

Other New Testament apocrypha, generally considered less important, include the Gospel of the Hebrews, the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, the Infancy Gospels, the Gospel of Peter, the Unknown Berlin Gospel, the Naassene Fragment, the Secret Gospel of Mark, the Egerton Gospel, the Oxyrhynchus Gospels and the Fayyum Fragment.

其他的新约伪经,一般被认为是较为次要,包括《希伯莱福音书》、《玛利亚抹大拉福音》,《耶稣童年的福音》,《彼得福音》,还有不知名的柏林福音译本,拿撒勒厄赛派残卷,《马可秘密福音》,《 Egerton 福音》,《俄西林古的福音书》,还有法雍的残卷。

A large number clearly present a Christian Gnostic perspective, the most familiar being the three so - called Valentinian gospels: the Gospel of Thomas (composed of a series of brief sayings of Jesus), the Gospel of Philip (a collection of sayings, metaphors, and esoteric arguments), and the Gospel of Truth (a discourse on deity and unity reminiscent of the language of the Fourth Gospel but definitely bent in the direction of Gnostic mythology and possibly related to the Gospel of Truth by Valentinus noted in Irenaeus).


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gospel shop:教堂

gosling 小鹅 | gospel shop 教堂 | gospel 福音


专辑依然是埃尔顿式的钢琴摇滚专辑,轻柔却绝不绵软,"福音"(Gospel)、"乡村摇滚"(Country Rock)和"灵乐"(Soul)交错其间,而出入江湖这么多年的他还第一次担任了专辑的制作人.


而新约全书(The New Testament)是用希腊语写成,因为那时整个巴勒斯坦已经完全希腊化,新约包括"福音书"(Gospel)"使徒行传"(Acts)"使徒书信"(Epistles)"启示录"(Apocalyptic).


密西西比的黑人创造了蓝调音乐(Blues),福音音乐(Gospel)在黑人教堂中也非常盛行. 星期日穿上最好的衣服去教堂唱福音音乐是大多数家庭的周末活动. 普莱斯利一家也不例外. 小就耳濡目染黑人街坊邻居的"蓝调"音乐、收音机里的乡村音乐,


住在新奥尔良下城区的黑人演唱包括黑人福音音乐(Gospel)以及做工歌(Work Song)两种形式. 还有一种常见的黑人演唱是街头小贩的叫卖声,这种演唱在音色和音高上的诸多变化非常有感染力. 上述的三种黑人音乐融会贯通逐渐形成一种没有伴奏的表演唱,

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