英语人>词典>英汉 : Gloriana的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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Another character contributing to the unity of the work is Gloriana, the Fairy Queen.


In all 16 Britten's opera, Gloriana is his creation of a National Opera and the heart of the building.


Queen Elizabeth seemed to personify this age of daring adventure, and as a result, she was given names like 'the Sun Queen' or Gloriana.


Upon a great adventure he was bond,That greatest Gloriana to him gave,That greatest Glorious Queene of Faerie Lond,To winne him worship, and her grace to have,Which of all earthly things he most did crave.


This essay selects the Queen's image in the Gloriana as the study object, through analysis of the libretto and opera music to strive to be comprehensive and detailed to show the drama queen of the arts to shape the characteristics of the image to explore the Britten's Musical-Dramatic techniques, and hope that further study for the academic writing Britten opera, especially in the opera characters to provide help to shape.


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gloria silk 丝毛交织薄绸 | gloriana 丝经棉纬伞绸 | glorietta 棉纱细密薄布


Glenda 葛莲达 | Gloriana 葛罗俪娅娜 | Grace 葛瑞丝 优雅的

Gloria, Gloriana:来源于拉丁, 光荣的, 荣耀者

Gladys, 公主 | Gloria, Gloriana, 来源于拉丁, 光荣的, 荣耀者. | Grace, 来源于英国, 幽雅的.

Gloria, Gloriana:格洛丽亚(涵义:愉快的人)

Daisy 黛西(涵义:雏菊) | Gloria,Gloriana 格洛丽亚(涵义:愉快的人) | Gwendolyn,Gwendoline 格温德琳(涵义:白色的)

Gloria, Gloriana:来历于拉丁, 名誉的, 光荣者

Gladys, 公主 | Gloria, Gloriana, 来历于拉丁, 名誉的, 光荣者. | Grace, 来历于英国, 幽雅的.

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