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Stage I of both male and female stone flounder appears only once in all its life, and the germ cells are comprised by spermatogonia or oogonia. The gonad from Mar to Aug keeps at stage II. The gonad index of testis at this stage is 0.037%, and the amount of spermatogonia is increased quickly. There is some linear germ plasm in the cytoplasm of spermatogina. In ovary at this stage it is mostly composed by oocyte of phase 2 which the character is the appearance of yolk nucleus, and no zona radiate in membrane. The mean GI of ovary is 1.95%. From Sep to Oct gonad is at stage III which testis is composed by lots of spermatogina and few spermatocytes, and the mean GI of testis at this stage is 0.086%. In ovary the ooctyes at phase 3 are in dominate position, the yolk nucleus disappear. And the GI of this stage is 3.35%. Both testis and ovary are at stage IV in Nov. hi testis the germ cells are in spermiogenesis, and the mean GI is 0.93%. hi ovary the oocytes are mostly at phase 4, which are filled in the cytoplasm with vitellin granule, and the zona radiate in membrane begins to formation. Nucleus moves to one side of the oocyte gradually. The mean GI of ovary at this stage is 9.37%.
Based on the research, this dissertation has studied the M/G/1 and GI/GI/1 queueing systems, and drew the following conclusions: Firstly, we present the equation which satisfies the transient distribution of the lengthof L(T,θ1,θ2 for GI/G/1 queueing systems, and proves that the lengthL(t,θ1,θ2 for GI/G/1 queueing systems satisfy two types of equation, and aretheir minimal nonnegative solutions. Furthermore, we give out not only the expression of Laplace transformation, but also the expression of Laplace transformation of busy-idle period, as well as the equation that satisfies the waitingtime of W
We present the equation which satisfies the transient distribution of L for the three special cases M/M/1, GI/M/1 and M/G/1 queue of GI/G/1 queueing system, and proves that the length L of GI/G/1 queueing system satisfy three types of equation, and their minimal nonnegative solution are unique bounded solutions.
- 更多网络解释 与GI相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
"在洛马诺夫讲话的同时,谭雅集中了分散在纽约的美国大兵(GI),并在布雷德利要塞(Fort Bradley)集合以拖延苏军的进攻. 但是心灵控制科技的一个严重缺陷很快就显露出来:一些人天生对心灵控制免疫. 阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)教授就是其中之一.
警告 胃肠道(gi)影响-gi溃疡,出血和穿孔的危险性:接受非甾体类抗炎药(nsaid)治疗的患者,可在任何时候伴或不伴预先症状,出现严重的胃肠道毒性如胃、小肠或大肠的出血、溃疡和穿孔.
an) 爱(ai)及(Gi)古木(Gum)闹(Nao)木(mu)其(Qi)亚(Ya)窝(Wo) 咯(Ge)素(Su)咯(Ge)素(Su)擦(Ca)楞(Leng)达(Da) 三只熊 三只熊住在一家 熊爸爸 熊妈妈 熊宝贝 熊爸爸很胖 熊妈妈很苗条 熊宝贝很可爱 一天一天长大着 곰
据联合国粮农组织(FAO)近期公布的指南称,地理标志(GI)成为农业地区可持续发展的一种手段并日益吸引了发展中国家生产者的兴趣. 但必须要考虑某些因素,比如一个有效的地理标志法律体制和集体管理制度. GI是用于识别某一地区带有特定特征产品的地名.
GI:abbr. graphics information; 地理信息系统
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