Frieda ['fri:də]
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- Friedreich's spasm
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Dark hair can make your features look severe, says Sharon Dorram-Krause, head colorist at the John Frieda Salon in New York City.
深色发会让你的面部特征看起来沉重位于纽约市的头部调色家Sharon Dorram-Krause说。
This fall, as the new global creative consultant for John Frieda, he's encouraging women to pick up the curling iron and do a little twirling of their own.
The second part of the story takes the reader back in time to 1966 when 19-year-old Frieda, Paul's future mother, is working as a maid at the Lion Park Hotel in Knightsbridge having fled her father, who wanted her to become a doctor.
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但也有一些人留在学派中,对精神分析理论和疗法作出了重要的、有独创性的贡献,如:S.拉多(Rado),F.亚历山大(Alexander),弗里达(Frieda),弗洛伊-赖希曼(Fromm-Reichman),巴林特(Balints)兄弟,R.斯皮茨 ,E.埃利克森等许多其他人.
Frieda:弗莉妲 日耳曼语 和平
Frances 弗兰西丝 日耳曼语 自由自在的 | Frieda 弗莉妲 日耳曼语 和平 | Gabrielle 嘉比里拉 希伯来 上帝就是力量.
Frieda:斯堪迪纳维亚语 和平,快乐
23.Freya 斯堪迪纳维亚语 高贵的女子 | 24.Frieda 斯堪迪纳维亚语 和平,快乐 | 25.Fronde 拉丁语 枝叶茂盛
Frederica弗雷德里卡,含义:和平的统治者 | Frieda弗里达,含义:宁静 | Gaby盖比,含义:上帝的人
Frieda's Reproach:十三
十二、Hans | 十三、Frieda''s?Reproach | 十四、At?Amalia''s
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