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symb <化>镄 (fermium)

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Now our main products are: PTX-LCD, TEX-LCD/S, BLUES30NV serial FM exciters, TX serial 1-10KW FM transmitters, TX serial 3-20KW hot plug-in transmitters, AJ1F serial vertical polarization FM antenna, DPA serial panel FM antenna, star-point or bridge style FM multiplexor, digital STL microwave link, professional receivers and any TV related products.


The results showed that:(1) The characteristic frequency of IC neurons of house mouse was increased with increasing recording depth, and the masker intensity used was positive relevant to the IC neurons\' minimum threshold. When the minimum threshold was high, the masker intensity needed was loud, vice versa.(2) According to the masking rate at MT+10dB of IC neurons to frequency modulation and tone burst, the IC neurons were classified as three types: type I neurons ( 72/113, 63.7%), in which the masking effect of TB was better than frequency modulation ;type II neurons (32/113, 28.3%), in which the masking effects of the two maskers were same; type III neurons( 9/113, 8.0%), in which the masking effect of FM was better than TB.(3) Type I neurons, the minimum threshold of which was low, but the Q_(10) and DR values of which were large; in type III neurons, the minimum threshold was high, the Q_(10) and DR values were narrow; in type III neurons, the MT Q_(10) and DR values were in between.(4) Both FM and TB could make the MT of type I neurons shift upward distinctively, but the effect of TB was more significant than FM.(5) The Q_(10) values of type I neurons became narrower under the influence of TB, were unaffected under the influence of FM.

结果显示:(1)小鼠下丘神经元的特征频率随着记录深度的增加而增高,掩蔽声强度与神经元的最小阈值呈正相关,即对高最小阈值的神经元进行掩蔽时需要的掩蔽声强度高,对低最小阈值神经元进行掩蔽需要的掩蔽声强度低:(2)根据调频声(frequency modulation, FM)和短纯音(tone burst, TB)对下丘神经元阈上10dB处反应的掩蔽,将小鼠IC神经元分为三类:Ⅰ类神经元(72/113,63.7%),短纯音的掩蔽效果比调频声更好;Ⅱ类神经元(32/113,28.3%),两者对神经元声反应的掩蔽率相同;Ⅲ类神经元(9/113,8.0%),调频声的掩蔽效果更好;(3)Ⅰ类神经元的最小阈值低、Q_(10)值和动态范围大,Ⅲ类神经元最小阈值高、Q_(10)值和动态范围小,Ⅱ类神经元的最小阈值、Q_(10)值和动态范围介于Ⅰ和Ⅲ类神经元之间;(4)短纯音和调频声都可以使Ⅰ类神经元声反应的最小阈值明显上移,但短纯音使神经元最小阈值的上移更显著:(5)短纯音使Ⅰ类神经元的Q_(10)值变小,调频声使神经元的Q_(10)值增大不显著,短纯音与调频声对神经元Q_(10)的影响差别显著;(6)短纯音与调频声都使神经元的动态范围减小,并且作用显著,但短纯音的效果更显著:(7)短纯音与调频声都使神经元反应的潜伏期延长,效果显著,但TB的延长作用更为显著;(8)随着探测声强度的升高,短纯音和调频声对Ⅰ类神经元声反应的掩蔽率都降低,但在各个探测声强度短纯音的掩蔽率都比调频声高。

As to'Cabemet Sauvignon'and'Queen of Vineyard', which belong to the'West Europe Cultivars Group', no obvious decline of Fv/Fm was found in their potted plants even under severe drought stress. Their photosynthetic abilities also greatly recovered after rewatering, i. e. no serious photodamage was formed in these cultivars under drought stress. Between them, the φPSⅡ of 'Queen of Vineyard'under severe drought stress was much lower than that of'Cabernet Sauvignon', which suggested that the light use efficiency of the former was much lower than the latter under severe drought stress. The potted plants of'Autumn Royal'and'Rizamat' sustained high Fv/Fm and φPSⅡ before moderate drought stress, but seriously declined under severe drought stress, which indicated that these cultivars had a weak resistant ability to extreme drought stress. A hybridized cultivar of Vitis vinifera L. and V. labrusca L.,'Red Double Taste', its Fv/Fm and φPSⅡ expressed mild decline along drought stress grade.φPSⅡ of'Red Double Taste'was the highest among seven cultivars under severe drought stress condition, which might closely connected with its high photorespiration activity. Another new cultivar,'Red Globe', and a rootstock,'1103Paulsen', the Fv/Fm and φPSⅡ of their potted plants declined markedly under slight drought stress, which suggested that they held a weak ability to defend against photoinhibition.


更多网络解释 与Fm相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


中国康辉南京国际旅行社天宁塞班6日游(天宁塞班6I)观光行程出发地:上海 航空公司:上海航空公司(FM)酒店:天宁皇朝酒店 格兰主楼(GRAND MAIN)出团日期:每周一行程特点l 市中心有繁华商业街,各类免税商店鳞次节比,


而且传播距离远,但却具有噪音大,保真度低的致命弱点早在1923年,一个叫埃德温.阿姆斯特朗(Edwin Armstrong)的工程师就开始研究另一种传播方式:"调频"(FM)在广播界巨头RCA的帮助下,


电影播放; 音乐欣赏、电台(FM)收听、实时录音、图片浏览、电子书等丰富功能; 支持MP3/WMAI/WAV格式的音乐,内置EQ均衡器可随意设定个性化音效模式; 具备无驱磁盘(Win98除外); 音文同步、A-B复读、FM内录,麦克风录音、外接音频录音(LINE In)和书 签功能,


-SSF接[中/外文标准名称]电磁兼容性和射频频谱事务(ERM) 地面移动业务 在窄带频道工作并具有一个天线连接器的模拟和/或数字通信(语言和/或[中/外文标准名称]电磁兼容性和射频频谱事务(ERM) 调频广播(FM)的发送设备 第1部

FM:abbr. finitude-member; 有限元

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