英语人>词典>英汉 : Ferrarese的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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His Dresden colleague Peranda had died in January 1675, and had been succeeded by the Ferrarese composer Sebastiano Cherici, whose brief tenure in Dresden had lasted less than a year.


The performers here too are all orphan girls; one of them, la Ferrarese, sung very well, and had a very extraordinary compass of voice, as she was able to reach the highest E of our harpsichords, upon which she could dwell a considerable time, in a fair, natural voice.

表演者全都是孤女她们之中有位名叫la Ferrarese 唱得非常好,有极独特的音域且能唱到最高的E以优质自然音持续相当时间。

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