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February Revolution的中文,翻译,解释,例句

February Revolution

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In the February Revolution in Russia, the interim government can not complete the task of the democratic revolution.


Because of his indecision on the tactic of returning to Russia, Martov didnt go back in time while the February Revolution began, then he lost the leadership of Menshevik.


Then it touches on that the Russian church played the part of anti-revolution in the process of the February Revolution and the October Revolution.


The discussion centered on the most important question: if Witte's economic reform and Stolypin's agrarian reform had been successful, the February Revolution of 1917 did not happened to the nation.


Before the February 1917 Revolution in Russia,which side of Russia is really strong?


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February Revolution:二月革命

1917年初,全国已有数十万的工人发动罢工,2月,圣彼得堡(Saint Petersburg)聚集的罢工工人转变为武装革命,随著军队与警察的加入,二月革命(February Revolution)终於成功推翻沙皇政权,3月15日尼古拉二世宣布退位,俄罗斯帝国灭亡,