fauvism ['fouvizm]
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Finally, for painting to become that "art of balance, purity and serenity, with no troubling or disquieting subjects, so that for any mental worker, for example the businessman just as much as the artistic man of letters, it can be a soothing influence on the brain, rather the way a good armchair gives him relaxation from physical tiredness"(as he observed in 1908), Matisse pursued his original intuition through the great currents of art history over half a century: divisionism, fauvism and abstraction - without ever getting lost.
Fauvism can also be seen as a mode of Expressionism .
This led me to paint using flat slabs of colour; this was fauvism.
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Abstract Art:抽象派, 抽象主义
Fauvism 野兽派 | abstract art 抽象派,抽象主义 | Cubism 立体派,立体主义
Abstract Art:抽象派
Fauvism 野兽派 | abstract art 抽象派 | Cubism 立体派
始于所谓"印象派"(Impressionism),大盛于"印象派"之后起来的一个画派(Post-Impressionism),乃至20 世纪之初的所谓"立体派"(Cubism)和"野兽派"(Fauvism)等,自此之后,"写实"绘画的大一统天下的良辰美景便一去不复返了.