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This paper has examined EU polity from four aspects: EU integrationist policy areas and the depth of EU policy involvement; the characteristics of EU policy processes; the degree of the sovereignty transfer of EU member states; the functions of EU institutions and EU's status as an international law identity.
The coordination geometry of the Eu atom is best described as a strongly distorted square-antipyrism.. The two Eu atoms are bridged by two N-oxide oxygen atoms forming a dimeric unit with crystallographic inversions centre. The Eu……Eu distance is 4.2137(9)〓. The two europium atoms and two bridging oxygen atoms is coplanar. The angles of Eu(1)-O(7)-Eu(1A) and O(7)-Eu(1)-O(7A) are 117.82(14)° and 62.18(14)°, respectively. 15 is the first dinuclear triboluminescent lanthanide complex reported.
同时还测定了其摩擦发光光谱与其光致发光光谱,并讨论了晶体结构和摩擦发光活性之间的关系。X-射线结构分析表明,15为有对称中心结构的配合物,每个Eu与三个HTTA的六个O原子和两个PyO的两个O原子形成八配位的四方反锥几何构型,2个N-Oxide O原子桥联两个Eu,形成了一个双核配合物,Eu。。。。
Chapter 1 is a preface to introduce the motives of this paper research methods scope restriction and frame Chapter 2 will fist introduce the concept of database and then discuss the necessity of database protection in the creating methods and with or without originality This chapter will put emphasis on the importance of originality to database Chapter 3 will observe the British America and Germany's viewpoint of originality to discuss their legislative mode of database legal protection Chapter will introduce EU Directive/96/9/EC of database protection and four judges of EU Court after the Directive takes effect in 2004 to find how the ECJ use the Directive Then according to the DG Internal Market and Service Working Pater and BEUC's evaluation of the Directive this paper will find whether there is positive reaction and influence in database market after EU member countries take the same legislations with the Directive Section 5 will introduce the legislation of British and Germany following the Directive and analyze the development and questions of the two countries' current legislation Chapter 5 will start with Americas case Feist v Jane Doe to understand the case's influence to American legal protection of databases and introduce the Parliament's proposal after the EU Directive Chapter 6 will introduce Japan legislation regarding legal protection of database works and discuss the goodness and badness through Japan academy and judicial viewpoint Chapter 7 will introduce Taiwan's legislation to find whether current law provides enough and adequate protection to databases and discuss whether there is a necessity of amendment At last this paper will try to provide some suggestions about our legislation Chapter 8 is the conclusion of this paper
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葡萄牙属欧洲联盟(欧盟)(EU)成诒,有助促进经济的稳定发展,主要有赖于日渐增强的贸易联系,以及引入资金用作改善国内的基建设施. 为符合经济及货币联盟(EMU)的要求,葡萄牙同意减低财政赤字及进行结构改革.
欧盟(EU)经济货币事务委员瑞恩(Olli Rehn)周五(3月19日)敦促欧盟领导人在下周举行的瑞恩强调,希腊总理提出可能向国际货币基金组织(IMF)求援,这样的行动将使欧盟陷入希腊总理帕潘德里欧(George Papandreou)近期敦促欧盟国家首脑在下周举行的领导人峰
此次,通过在发光层上利用添加稀土类元素"铕(Eu)"的GaN,实现了红色LED组件. 此前也进行过向GaN添加Eu以获得红色光的研究,但原来采用离子注入法添加Eu,通过光致激发(Photoexcitation)获得红色光. 而藤原的研究小组采用MOCVD法添加Eu,
欧洲议会也开始直选. 1980年代最重要的是>(SEA)的通过,欧洲成为了一个货品、资金、劳务、人员四大流通的单一市场. >於1991年底签署,1993年生效,"欧洲联盟"(EU)这个名称从此正式登上舞台.
EU:abbr. externally use; 外用
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