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As a boy, Eric Carle spent summer days with his Uncle Adam, a plasterer, working side-by-side as his helper. Uncle Adam wears an apron for his work, and Aunt Elizabeth sews a smaller one for little Eric. For Eric, the apron has always reminded him of his good uncle and celebrated the sense of pride associated with a job well done.
Eric Carle 小时候利用假期到叔叔家住,他的叔叔是一位水泥工,当他叔叔工作的时候都会穿一件围裙,他的婶婶也帮他做了一件,於是他跟叔叔一样穿著围裙并帮忙做许多事。
With the current interest in Eric Liddell , I'd like to pass along a letter sent to me this week by Stephen Metcalf, the Chefoo student who helped Eric Liddell with sports functions and helped Eric mend broken sports equipment at Weihsien.
To celebrate Christmas and bring the message of loving our families to pets, good friends of human beings, a function was especially held at Chelsea Heights Square. Eric, who is full of love, brought along Robbie, his beloved pet, a Cooker Spaniel. Eric, Robbie and a squad of dogs which were dressed up festively, promulgated the message of love and happiness so as to raise funds for Non-profit making veterinary service society.
为庆祝举世欢腾的圣诞即将来临及将爱护家庭的信息扩至人们的好朋友--宠物,特意在屯门卓尔广场地下中庭举行「爱家宠物Pet Pet迎圣诞」活动,邀得充满爱心的孙耀威亲临,孙耀威更携带心爱的宠物曲架犬Robbie一同出席;连同一班由他亲自设计打扮得充满节日气氛的狗儿,一起宣扬「爱」、「欢乐」的信息,为「非牟利兽医服务协会」筹募经费。
- 更多网络解释 与Eric相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
2号基础配对作出的最著名的儿子是"埃里克"(ERIC)NL88-4024619,埃里克最优秀的儿子是"绅士号"(Gentil)ML92-5319120,它是考夫曼3号基础配对的雄鸽. "埃里克"的另外一个优秀的直子是"苏丹"(De Sultan)获15750羽冠军.
"绅士"是"艾利克"(Eric)的直子,牠跟"黄金女郎"配对后,一羽接一羽的超级鸽诞生了. 它们的子女要不是杰出的比赛鸽,就是出色的种鸽. 杰洛德(Gerard)认为"绅士"和"黄金女郎"是他们的鸽舍里,有史以来最好的一对配对!
塞雷娜.范德伍德森(Serena)是莉莉和Keith van der Woodsen的大女儿;母亲是社交名媛及前芭蕾舞者;父亲是亿万富翁;她有个男同性恋的弟弟叫艾力(Eric). Serena的父母在她小时就离婚了,Serena和Eric就和她母亲居住. 在去寄宿学校前,
Eric:abbr. educational resources information center; 科教资源信息中心(美国)
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