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There is one kind of phenomenon appearing during children's psychological development, namely,children start to split from the integral relationship with their mothers at the age of three and cast their emotion onto their fathers, they even go so far as to compete with their mothers for enjoying their fathers exclusively, this is known as the Oedipus Complex, also known as Electra Complex[2], it was fair to say that Sijia actually had the Electra Complex.
In the novel the Good Earth, the author describles various traditonal chinese women,such as Alan,lihua,Hehua and Dujuan,everyone has her own experience,During which we should pay more attention to Lihua's that she loves one man just like his father,which is the most verticalembodiment of Electra complex(the typical marriage pattern old husband-young wife),so her Electra complex ends with getting married with opposite sex another time.
摘 要:赛珍珠在《大地》这部小说中,描绘了众多传统中国女性的形象,主要有阿兰、荷花、梨花和杜鹃,每个人又各有自己的境遇,其中梨花的境遇最引人注目,他喜欢上了一个年龄相当于她父亲的男性,这是恋父情结在她身上最直观的体现,即典型的"老夫少妻"型的婚恋模式,所以她往往是通过另外的一次异性的结合,来完成自己恋父情结的终结。
My name is Electra. Her name is Electra, too.
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Buick Electra:别克 依勒克拉 美国通用
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Buick Electra:别克 依勒克拉 美果通用
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Electra complex:恋父情结
这就是所说的"恋母情结"(Oedipus complex)或"恋父情结"(Electra complex). 在生活中,我们会发现单亲家庭的孩子比在正常家庭成长起来的孩子在这方面所受的影响要明显的多. 如:单亲妈妈抚养长大的女孩会因为生活中缺少父爱而对"父亲般的男人"产生一种渴望与向往.
Electra complex:埃勒克特拉情结
与"俄狄普斯情结"相对应的"埃勒克特拉情结"(Electra complex)显然同样广泛存在,并且自古以来,因此遗留下来的悲剧诸多. 当然,在现实中,并不是像古代悲剧那样惨烈与毫无退路. 安卡和父亲显然都要理智得多,尽管看起来,他们之间差点掐灭了父女关系,
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