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Eastern Conference的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Eastern Conference

Eastern Conference的基本解释


更多网络例句与Eastern Conference相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So more would be left over to compete in the Eastern Conference.


"He does have to show some sort of growth," the Eastern Conference exec said.


China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited , referred to as the "Eastern" Services Department of the Yunnan branch ground, air logistics, airport management and development company in Kunming, the Department of Property Management, the service department, and service companies, security station, security, Information Technology Center, Department of party work, such as ten more than units of the transit department formed a joint business trip together to protect Xiangjiaba witch Group in Kunming International Airport (referred to as "the Kunming airport"), a transit lounge at the scene held a work conference.

4月3日,由云南机场集团有限责任公司总裁助理马毅带队、云南机场集团空港管理部、运管中心、中国东方航空股份有限公司(China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited,简称&东航&)云南分公司地面服务部、空港物流、昆明机场经营发展公司、物业管理部、安服部、地服公司、安检站、护卫部、信息技术中心、党群工作部等十余家单位、部门联合组成的中转联程业务保障组在昆明巫家坝国际机场中转候机厅召开了现场工作会议。

更多网络解释与Eastern Conference相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Eastern Conference:东区

霍华德目前以77万5933票傲视群雄,在东区(Eastern Conference)中锋群也遥遥领先,与最接近的对手、费城七六人(Philadelphia 76ers)球员戴伦波特(Samuel Dalembert)有多达65万9000票之差.

Eastern Conference:东部联盟

从4月21日(星期一)开始,NBA已进入攸关生死的季后赛(playoff)阶段,东部联盟(Eastern Conference)和西部联盟(Western Conference)各产生八支球队,球队根据联赛排名较劲,胜者继续挺进,失败的球队则遭淘汰,下一个球季再见.

Eastern Conference:东部

Memphis Grizzlies 孟菲斯灰熊队 | Eastern Conference 东部 | Atlantic Division 大西洋分区