英语人>词典>英汉 : Early Renaissance的中文,翻译,解释,例句
Early Renaissance的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Early Renaissance

Early Renaissance的基本解释

文艺复兴初期(1378-1500) 的艺术风格, [建]早期文艺复兴式

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Kenneth Armitage was part of the great renaissance of British sculpture in the early post-war years; a renaissance which was appreciated by museums and collectors in New York and Europe even more than in Britain.


On one hand, visual art comes from nature, such as Giotto in the early period of the Renaissance; on the other hand, the characteristics of visual art are independent from the nature in terms of the factors and self-determination of painting.


"Known in ancient Egypt, pergola s were a common feature of early Renaissance gardens in Italy and subsequently throughout Europe."


In 1898, he was born in Siena, an Italian city which is known by the "Sienese School" in the early Renaissance period.


The first addition comes from the late medieval and early Renaissance fascination with syncretism.


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cent. Early Renaissance, Florence:早期文艺复兴,佛洛伦萨

Italy 意大利 | 15cent. Early Renaissance, Florence 早期文艺复兴,佛洛伦萨 | 16cent. High Renaissance, Rome 盛期文艺复兴,罗马

Early Renaissance:早期文艺复兴

晚期哥特式=Late Gothic | 早期文艺复兴=Early Renaissance | 盛期文艺复兴=High Renaissance

The Early Renaissance:义大利文艺复兴初期

西洋艺术史 流派 The Renaissance | 义大利文艺复兴初期 The Early Renaissance | 义大利文艺复兴盛期 The High Renaissance

Early modern and Renaissance Drama:近代和文艺复兴时的戏剧

莎士比亚戏剧 Shakespeare in Performance | 近代和文艺复兴时的戏剧 Early modern and Renaissance Drama | 同时代的表演艺术 contemporary performance art.

Renaissance - Early:文艺复兴-早期

Realism 现实主义 | Renaissance - Early 文艺复兴-早期 | Renaissance - High 文艺复兴-高