Dionysius Exiguus
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In the West, the most important canonical collection of the early centuries was made in the 6th century by Dionysius Exiguus.
Unfortunately these records have not come down to us in their entirety; we possess them in two forms: in the collection of Dionysius Exiguus, as the canons of a "Concilium Africanum"; in the Spanish collection, as those of eight councils (the fourth wrongly attributed, being a document from Arles, dating about the beginning of the sixth century).
可惜的是,这些纪录都没有来,我们在整体,我们拥有它们有两种形式:在收集狄奥尼修斯exiguus ,由於大炮的& concilium africanum &,在西班牙语收集,因为这些八名议会(第四错误归因,作为一个文件,由ARLES ,约会约年初六世纪)。
The latter were known in the West by two Latin versions, one called the "Hispana" or "Isidorian", because it was inserted in the Spanish canonical collection, attributed to St. Isidore of Seville, the other called the "Itala" or "ancient", because Dionysius Exiguus, in the first half of the sixth century, found it in use at Rome, and being dissatisfied with its imperfections improved it.
后者则是在西方闻名,由两名拉丁语版本,其中一个被称为& hispana &或& isidorian &,因为它是插在西班牙典型的收集,归因於圣伊西多尔的塞维利亚外,其他所谓的&名单&或&古代&的,因为狄奥尼修斯exiguus ,在上半年的六世纪,发现它在使用於罗马,并成为不满其不完善的改善。
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神秘神学 (叙)狄奥尼修斯(Dionysius)著 包利民译狄奥尼修斯 (Dionysius) 著陀思妥耶夫斯基哲学 系统论述 (德)赖因哈德.劳特(Reinhard Lauth)著 沈真等译
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