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Dies Irae的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Dies Irae

Dies Irae的基本解释


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Most of the year was spent gigging and promoting the self-released EP, until in October 2005 Codeon was signed to DIES IRAE RECORDS.

一年中他们花费大部分时间用来推广和演奏他们EP的曲目,直到2005年十月Codeon与DIES IRAE RECORDS正式签约,ON MY SIDE被重新发售。不久,鼓手由于个人的原因离开乐团。

In the coda of this version, De Profundis and Dies Irae are fighting (depicted by their contrapunctal combination), until Dies Irae wins!

在死之舞的结尾里,De Profundis和《末日经》争斗直到末日经获胜!

We then arrived at the spectacular sequence of Dies Irae, Dies illa The day of wrath!


In 2007, STAY HEAVY RECORDS acquired DIES IRAE RECORDS, so Codeon now had a new label.


O Hear Verdi's Dies Irae in the movies Battle Royale and Water Drops on Burning Rocks.


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更多网络解释与Dies Irae相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dies irae:末日经

之后,长笛奏出第一段舞蹈主题,这是取自中世纪教会中"末日经"(Dies Irae)的旋律,在经过小提琴声部反复后,独奏小提琴拉奏出另一段凄凉的主题,描述午夜时分荒凉的墓园,两个主题接着交互发展,舞会的气氛越来越狂热激情,

Dies irae:震怒之日

小知识:安魂曲其实也是弥撒曲的一个分支,主要是指罗马天主教用于超度亡灵的特殊弥撒,安魂曲的唱词与普通弥撒基本相同,但省略了荣耀经(Gloria)与信经(Credo),增加了"震怒之日"(Dies irae).

Dies irae:(愤怒之日)

3 Kyrie eleison (主怜颂)Sequenza 圣赞曲 | 4 Dies irae (愤怒之日) | 5 Tuba mirum (神奇的号角)

Dies irae:最後讚美詩

DaGiShion-大吉祥 | DIES IRAE-最後讚美詩 | dirt star-tuxing 土星

Mozart : Dies Irae:莫札特:震怒之日

14.Aine Minogue : Breton Children ' s Song 布里登孩童之歌 | 15.Mozart : Dies Irae 莫札特:震怒之日 | 16.Mozart : Confutatis 莫札特:惡人判決

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