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China Unicom的中文,翻译,解释,例句

China Unicom

China Unicom的基本解释


更多网络例句与China Unicom相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since the issuance of licenses and non - Symmetric control policies are implemented and will continue to become China Unicom's share price catalyst for the maintenance of China Unicom "overweight" rating.


It is unclear whether similar reshuffles loom at China's other two carriers. In 2004, the government had sent the three companies into a personnel carousel, bringing Mr Wang to China Mobile from China Unicom, appointing a former China Mobile vice-president to head China Telecom, and transferring China Telecom's then head to China Unicom.


In 2006, China Unicom formally Macao's CDMA 3G licenses, the building of the Macao region before the CDMA 2G network, Unicom has invested more than 250 million yuan in building 3G CDMA network, Unicom investment for the first year of 40 million patacas.

2006年,中国联通正式获得澳门地区的CDMA 3G牌照,之前在建设澳门地区的CDMA 2G网络期间,联通的投资已经超过2.5亿元人民币,在建设CDMA 3G网络时,联通第一年投资为4000万澳门元。

更多网络解释与China Unicom相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Air China HKG:中国国航

0728.HK 中国电信 China Telecom HKG | 0753.HK 中国国航 Air China HKG | 0762.HK 中国联通 China Unicom HKG

user interface:使用者接口

依合约,Telson电子未来将获诺基亚涵括设计(Design)、使用者接口(User Interface)等在内的CDMA技术,并根据诺基亚所要求规格(Specification)生产手机. 据南韩的说法,日前在韩中情报通信长官会谈中,中国联通(China Unicom)已向信息产业部报告CDMA引进方案,

Unicom Limitless:联通无限

联通无限:Unicom Limitless | 中国联通:China UNICOM | 联通公司:Unicom co.