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Chef's Salad的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Chef's Salad

Chef's Salad的基本解释

厨师沙拉(用莴苣、番茄等蔬菜制作而成, 上面配有干酪片和肉片)

更多网络例句与Chef's Salad相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yes, I'm ready. I'll have the chef's salad, please.


I'll have the chef's salad, please.


I'd like to begin with a chef's salad.


W:May I serve you chef's salad now?


Oh, then I'll have the chef's salad.


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更多网络解释与Chef's Salad相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

:Chef's Salad:厨师沙拉

大多数搜索引擎采取了"厨师沙拉(chef's salad)"的方法:显示内容中混合了蜘蛛搜索结果、目录列表和点击付费广告(PPC)等我们将要讨论的搜索结果类型可能已经包含了您的网站的显示方式.

:Chef's Salad:主厨沙拉

SALAD沙拉 | Chef's Salad 主厨沙拉 | Caesar Salad 凯撒沙拉

:Chef's Salad:厨师沙律

Tuna Salad吞拿鱼鲜蔬沙律 | Chef's Salad 厨师沙律 | SOUP 汤

the chef's salad:大厨师的色拉

shrimp with mixed vegetables in garlic sauce 鱼香炒什锦 | the chef's salad 大厨师的色拉 | baked potato 烤土豆

Chef's salad served with vinaigrette:主厨沙 附油醋汁

4. 德式热马 薯沙泣Warmed German potato salad | 5. 主厨沙 附油醋汁Chef's salad served with vinaigrette | 6. 翠沙附 纹乳酱Green salad served with blue cheese dressing

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