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A singular exception to the universality of the above-described substance of the New Testament was the Canon of the primitive East Syrian Church, which did not contain any of the Catholic Epistles or Apocalypse.


The seven "Catholic" Epistles (James, Jude, I and II Peter, and the three of John) had not yet been brought into a special group, and, with the possible exception of the three of St. John, remained isolated units, depending for their canonical strength on variable circumstances.


The Philoxenian Syriac version of the New Testament has come down to us only in the four minor Catholic Epistles, not included in the original Peshitto, and a single manuscript of the Apoc., now at Trinity College, Dublin.

该philoxenian叙利亚文版本的新约圣经已回落,我们只在4个小型天主教教会中,并没有包括在原来的peshitto及单一的手稿的载脂蛋白C ,现在在都柏林三一学院。

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Cast out demons by the price of demons Beelzebul:靠着鬼王别西 卜赶鬼

Cast mantle upon sb. 把外衣搭在某人身上 22 | Cast out demons by the price of demons Beelzebul 靠着鬼王别西 卜赶鬼183 | Catholic epistles 公普书信 136

Catholic Epistles:(大公书信)

此译本只收了大公书信(Catholic Epistles)中的彼得前书、雅各书和约翰壹书. 一直到非罗森诺的校订本(Philoxenian recension)出版(主后508年),其余的大公书信,包括彼得后书,才在圣经中占了稳固的地位. 我们必须记住,

Catholic Epistles:公普书信

Cast out demons by the price of demons Beelzebul 靠着鬼王别西 卜赶鬼183 | Catholic epistles 公普书信 136 | Cedar in Lebanon 黎巴嫩的香柏树191