Carnaby Street
- Carnaby Street的基本解释
<英>卡纳比街(伦敦的一条街道, 以时装出名)(年轻人的)时装
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- 更多 网络例句 与Carnaby Street相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
According to the fifth census data: the region's total population 235,387, of which the township population: the victory of the village of Bridge Street 21129 100 Street Railway compound 24,812 of 21,470 street 33,084 Lin Pang Village Road street street street 2672 8683 16024 petrochemical 46196 street Zhai Xiang Peng 8350 Handan Handan Mining 31,522 virtual streets of metallurgical and mining Authority Xing virtual streets in North China Metallurgical Construction Corporation 21913 virtual streets in 2204
根据第五次人口普查数据:全区总人口235387人,其中各乡镇人口:胜利桥街道 21129 百家村街道 24812 铁路大院街道 21470 化林路街道 33084 庞村街道 8683 二六七二街道 16024 石化街道 8350 彭家寨乡 46196 邯郸矿务局虚拟街道 31522 邯邢冶金矿山管理局虚拟街道 21913 华北冶金建设公司虚拟街道 2204
Located in the ground floor of the journey through the underground tunnel system will be West Main Street near Bridge Road and peaceful directly interlinked, that is in the ground from the Finance Street to the eastern end of the evening Finance Street; The tunnel is set Hou and Wu Street, Kwong Ningbo Street, Main Street, three regional corridors financial linked from this region, can be reached Finance Street each major roads, achieved rapid access, mitigation, decontamination of ground transportation.
He was looking for my office and went to Carlisle Street instead of Carnaby Street, so he was on the wrong tack altogether.
- 更多网络解释 与Carnaby Street相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Margot:A shop in Carnaby Street. They're in fashion- all the rage:玛戈:在卡那比街的 一家商店. 他们很流行--风糜一时
[18:56.65]Mother:That looks nice... | [18:59.54]Margot:A shop in Carnaby Street. They're in fashion- all the rage! ;玛戈:在卡那比街的 一家商店. 他们很流行--风糜一时. | [19:05.54]Margot:You must see thi...