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Canes Venatici的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Canes Venatici

Canes Venatici的基本解释


Canes venatici
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Anyone with a good pair of binoculars, however, can see this Whirlpool toward the constellation of Canes Venatici.


NGC 4449 belongs to a group of galaxies in the constellation Canes Venatici, the Hunting Dogs.

NGC4449 属于猎犬座中的一个星系群。

IC 883 is 300 million light-years away toward the constellation of Canes Venatici, the Hunting Dogs.

IC 883位于猎犬座距地球约3亿光年,是Arp特殊星系图表的第193个。

The galaxy, which was first discovered in 1781, is a popular target for astronomers and lies in the northern constellation of the hunting dogs, Canes Venatici.


It is reported that the Whale Galaxy, as large as Milky Way, is next to the northern area of Canes Venatici.


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Canes Venatici:猎犬座

1970年02月20日 猎犬座(Canes Venatici)白银圣斗士 亚狄里安(Asterion)1970年03月18日 天鹰座(Aquila)白银圣斗士 魔铃(Marin)出生. 星华(Seika)出生. 1970年03月21日 海皇波赛冬(Poseidon)转生,希腊索罗家族继承人朱里安.索罗(Julian Solo)出生.

Canes Venatici:犬座

这个星系对距离我们约有3700万光年远,位在猎犬座 (Canes Venatici)内. 在双筒望远镜的视野里,M51是个迷蒙的斑点,这张清晰的彩色照片是用14吋(35厘米)望远镜配上一部数字相机所拍摄的,总曝光时间为3小时42分.

Canes Venatici:猎犬星座

烛光 candle power | 猎犬[星]座 Canes Venatici | 大犬[星]座 Canis Major

Canes Venatici:猎犬

巨蟹 Cancer | 猎犬 Canes Venatici | 大犬 Canis Major

Canes Venatici CVn:猎犬座

Cancer Cnc 巨蟹座 506 60 | Canes Venatici CVn 猎犬座 465 30 | Canis Major CMa 大犬座 380 80

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