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Through comparison and analysis, the major different factors of the casualties for these two extremely similar earthquakes occurred in Yunnan are found out. The early-warning foreshock (or short-impending prediction) is the most important factor in reducing the casualties. The area size in high intensity is the most vital factor to casualty.
After his platoon suffered heavy casualties and 3 other noncommissioned officers had become casualties, Cpl. York assumed command.
Even in the Azerbaijani side claimed that the "October War" in Egypt, Syria and other Arab countries 27,500 military casualties, missing and captured about 8,550 people; Israeli casualties are about 11,600 people missing and captured more than 500 people.
- 更多网络解释 与CASUALTIES相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
抗战中,国民党军队伤亡(casualties)达到了320万,而中共军队则从很小的数量增长到了170万. 抗战主战场在华中和华南,而中共根据地主要在陕西(Shaanxi). 目前,抗日战争是中日之间的主要争执点(point of contention),
armed police 武警 | Casualties 伤亡人数 | charity organization 慈善组织
building codes 建筑标准 | casualties 人员伤亡 | likelihood 可能,可能性
cases of special humanitarian concern;应予特别人道主义关注的个案; ; | casualties;伤亡;损失; ; | casualty collection; casualty pick-up;伤员收容; ;
civilian casualties:平民伤亡
例如,军事演习中炸弹、炮弹、导弹造成的平民伤亡(civilian casualties)是collateral damage(附带损伤);美军误击英军是friendly fire(友善开火);明明是对伊拉克动武,却避而不用诸如at war(战争),attack(攻出)等字眼.
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