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Buddhist ceremony的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Buddhist ceremony

Buddhist ceremony的基本解释

[Buddhist ceremony(or service)] 教化众生的行为称为佛事

更多网络例句与Buddhist ceremony相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And bastinado resembles loftily the celestial being with God, copy Buddhist ceremony does not close the calm and calm and at ease expression like oneself, once dangerous drawing near, need to carry gently only the hand brandishs the bastinado in the hand, can dissolve all Jing kaoliang.


The Monastery was built in 1709 by E';angzongzhe, the first-generation Jiamuyang, who came from the nearby town of Ganjia. On Jun 6th of lunar calendar, Lamas in Labrang stops the buddhist ceremony. They go to the Sangke prairie to celebrate the Xianglang festival, and stage a gymkhana of unique style.


Finally stressed, because the Buddhist ceremony participation caused the calligraphy world to increase together the beautiful corona, because the Buddhist ceremony recording enabled Chinese the writing" the historical novel" to have a better testimony, because the calligraphy function caused the Buddhist literature to be able to disseminate, can carry forward, can to spread to the world, the calligraphy for Buddhism, the Buddhist studies has made the in delible contribution is obvious.


更多网络解释与Buddhist ceremony相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

tourist map:游览图

82 示意图(导游图) Sketch Map | 83 游览图 Tourist Map | 84 有佛事活动,请绕行 Detour. Buddhist Ceremony in Progress.