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Bible society的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Bible society

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They founded the American Bible Society and the American Tract Society, distributing millions of pieces of Christian literature. The American Sunday School Union came into being to educate unchurched children in the Bible.


Presbyterians and Calvinists in general, especially since the Westminster Synod of 1648, have been the most uncompromising enemies of any recognition, and owing to their influence the British and Foreign Bible Society decided in 1826 to refuse to distribute Bibles containing the Apocrypha.


I belong to a nation that gives to the human society the Bible, and universal humanitarian values.


In 1884 he established the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, of which he was president until his death.


Nida is very possibly unsurpassed in the history of the Bible Society movement in terms of global impact.


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Worldwide Bible Society:环球圣经公会

World Vision Hong Kong 香港世界宣明会 34 | Worldwide Bible Society 环球圣经公会 9564 | WWF Hong Kong 世界自然(香港)基金会 9502

Hong Kong Bible Society:香港圣经公会

Hong Kong Association of Christian Missions 香港差传事工联会 9599 | Hong Kong Bible Society 香港圣经公会 9536 | Hong Kong Christian Service 香港基督教服务处 9365

Bible Lands Mission Society:圣经地传信会

biased error;偏向误差;; | Bible Lands Mission Society;圣经地传信会;; | Biblical land of Israel;<<圣经>>所载的以色列领土;;

British and Foreign Bible Society (B. F. B. S:英国圣经公会)

Briggs, Charles Augustus (布瑞格斯(1841-1913)) | British and Foreign Bible Society (B. F. B. S.) 英国圣经公会) | British Israelitism (英吉利以色列主义)