Bible ['baibl]
- Bible的基本解释
- This dictionary should be your bible when studying English.
- 这本词典可作为你研究英文的经典。
- This dictionary should be your Bible when studying English.
- 学习英语时,这本字典应是你的主要参考书。
- 相似词
- bible
- 更多 网络例句 与Bible相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
In consideration of the complexity and deeper meaning of the prototype, and the main highlights of Lawrence works itself, this thesis mainly chooses the female character prototype of the Bible, the imago prototype of the Bible and the scene prototype of the Bible in his three representative novels mentioned above to analyze thoroughly, by adducing and contradistinguishing the Lawrence text from the Bible text, explores the connotative meaning of Lawrence\'s novels from the new point of view, digs religion culture connotation and history origin for inditing of Lawrence\'s novel, and unveils the inheriting of Lawrence to the Bible culture and the occidental literature history.
Four novels have a more profound meaning of the "Bible" the emergence of Cluj shuttle has demonstrated the deepening of the baptism of Christ the entire process, from his living on the desert island the date, the first Kru shuttle from their boat and found on the way Will find the three kept relatively good "Bible" back to the island, here as we can understand that this three "Bible" of great significance, where the "Bible" Puritanism is the essence of the Christian inheritance that Puritanism The blood still flows in the blood of Jesus.
When he heard the sound of gunfire then get down to 20 gallons of liquor, a stove spade, a Huoqian, two Tonghu, Tongguo and Grill when the shuttle is in Cluj read "Bible" when , Seems to be the wizard finish spell want the same thing as a coincidence of magic, here is novel in this second stage of reference to "Bible", here is Kru shuttle by a gift of God, when the third novel to And "Bible", in Cluj shuttle by the threat of terrorism and disease, the precarious life of the time, it seems that the author of a demon Satan for a guest, is the Kru people of the shuttle Buxiao the "original sin" Another penalty, or is he received the last of God's gift to God and not the consequences of Thanksgiving, when he is determined to be more devout starting point, this echoes the "Bible" in the words "in trouble when you call for me I will Laijiu you, and you have to praise me,"Mingmingzhizhong Defoe who arranged a deal with the integrity of God, but Kru shuttle in this transaction in the integrity of performance is not very good, so in God Pre-paid to the equivalent of his wealth, its very credibility of not giving a penalty.
- 更多网络解释 与Bible相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
"圣经"(Bible)一词,源于希腊文"书"这个字. "圣经"(The Holy Bible)一词意思就是"神圣的书". 但这个书名确实是怪异的. 当打开圣经的时候,你会发觉它其实是一册集成的巨著,载有六十六卷分开的书籍,原文用三种语言写成(希伯来文、希腊文和一些亚兰文),
这是基督教>(Bible)中的成语,意为"以眼还眼,以牙还牙". 上段的意思是"古时候,假如一个人的眼睛被他的敌人挖出来了,他或许也会挖出敌人的眼睛来进行报复. 这就是'以眼还眼,以牙还牙'的准则. "
Bible:<圣经》 ","《圣经>
圣经圣经(Bible)中记载,耶稣诞生时,天使飞越全世界向世人报佳音. 但最近科学家指出,这一传说很有问题,因为天使根本就飞不起来. 英国生物学家罗格?沃顿认为,从生理学角度来看,艺术作品中那些长有翅膀的天使根本不可能飞得起来.
興趣: basketball, singing, tambay, gala and play girls | 最喜歡的書: bible | 最喜歡的電影: spiderman
Bible paper:圣经纸
圣经纸(bible paper) --全木纤维纸浆所制之薄纸, 常见用来印制圣经, 固国内 以圣经纸称之. 再生纸(Recycled Paper) --广义的说, 将使用过的废纸加以回收处理,制成再生纸浆, 以其取代原木纸浆所产出来的纸类 , 都可...
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