英语人>词典>英汉 : Bessarion的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

Bessarion [bə'sɛəriən]



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At the Council of Florence, Bessarion argued against the existence of real purgatorial fire, and the Greeks were assured that the Roman Church had never issued any dogmatic decree on this subject.


The Greek Leo Allatius (1586-1669), custos of the Vatican Library, was almost a second Bessarion.

希腊利奥Allatius ( 1586年至1669年),保管人梵蒂冈图书馆,几乎是第二贝萨利昂。

Among those present from Greece at the Council of Florence were Archbishop Bessarion, who presented to Venice his valuable collection of nine hundred volumes, also Gemistos Plethon, the celebrated teacher of Platonic philosophy, who subsequently relapsed into paganism.

其中来自希腊目前在安理会的佛罗伦萨被大主教贝萨利昂,谁到威尼斯提出了宝贵的收集900卷,还Gemistos Plethon ,庆祝教师的柏拉图哲学,谁后来到异教复发。

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