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更多网络例句与Bergius相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Most of the direct processes developed in the 1980s were modifications or extensions of Bergius's original concept.


Direct coal liquefaction was developed as a commercial process in Germany based on research pioneered by Friedrich Bergius.

煤炭直接液化是发展成为一个商业化过程中,德国在研究的基础上,开创了弗里德里希bergius 。

In 1885 the Bergius Botanic Garden moved out to Frescati and between 1907 and 1916 an early prototype of a science park began to take shape.


更多网络解释与Bergius相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bergius' process:伯吉乌斯过程

berger mixture 贝格尔混合物 | bergius' process 伯吉乌斯过程 | bergmann rearrangement 伯格曼换位

bergius' process:柏吉斯法

Berger mixture 柏格耳混合物 | Bergius process 柏吉斯法 | Bergmann and Junk test 柏<格曼>-强<克>试验

bergius' process:伯吉尤斯法

Bender process 本德法 | Bergius process 伯吉尤斯法 | Bernoulli process 伯努里过程; 伯努利过程

bergius' process:贝氏法

"皂土","Bentonite" | "贝氏法","Bergius process" | "贝色麦转化器","Bessemer converter"


Bentham,Jeremy 边沁,杰勒米 | Bergius 伯戈斯 | Berkeley,George 贝克莱,乔治

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