英语人>词典>英汉 : Bel的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

Bel [bel]



bel ·  BEL
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This article consists of a three-chapter text, a brief instruction and an epilogue: achievements of the research on bel canto and thefolk singing as well as their relation in China were concluded briefly in the introduction. In chapter 1, the origin and characteristicsof bel canto and the folk singing, together with their fusion processin present China was illustratively revealed though historical review. In chapter 2, bel canto and the folk singing are analyzed in technical aspects like breath, vocalization, pronunciation, and resonancetogether with comparison on their similarities and differences.; Chapter three is concerned with the application of bel canto in folk singing and nationalization of bel canto as well as the feasibility oftheir fusion from technical aspect. Moreover, it is illustrated thatthe fusion of these two vocal arts in china not only conform to social development and mass aesthetic requirement, but also has great influence on the education and development of Chinese vocal arts. Epilogue is to express wishes to future Chinese vocal arts based on the trend of multi-culture fusion and innovation.


Results: Tyroserleutide can significantly increase the life span of H22 tumor-bearing mice by 50-70% in dosages of 20ug/kg/d-80ug/kg/d,specially the high dosage of 80ug/ml can significantly increase the life span by 69.24%; Tyroserleutide can inhibit the growth of transplanted hepatocellular tumor BEL-7402 in nude mice,the rate of tumor inhibition was25-50% in dosages of 40-320ug/ml ,the inhibition rate of 160ng/ml was 44.03%; Tyroserleutide could inhibit the growth of H22 and BEL-7402 tumor in a dose-dependent manner. Simultaneously, tumoricidal activity of tyroserleutide against BEL-7402 cell line in vitro was observed hinger when compared with the control group(P.05).The inhibition effect of 72hrs was higher than 24hrs,48hrs,96hrs.And specially the high dosage of 160ug/ml can significantly inhibit growth of tumor cell by 19.36%. Tyroserleutide can activated PEM and marked enhance cytotoxicity andphagocytosis functions in vitro and in vivo. The OD values of cytotoxicity were observed hinger when compared with the control group(P.05).The cytotoxicity of macrophages activated by tyroserleutide against BEL-7402 and B16-F10 was 35.58%,61.2% in vitro and21.39%,47.63% in vivo. The cytotoxicity rate of nude mice PEM was 32.86%,73.07% in vivo. Furthermore, tyroserleutide alone could stimulated the production of IL-1B TNF- a and NO by M . Tyroserleutide and LPS could synergistically activated M producing more cytotoxicity effectors. Conclusion: Tyroserleutide had inhibition functions against hepatoma carcinoma .Its possible mechanisms were related to the affect that Tyroserleutide could inhibit tumor cell directively and induce tumor cells apoptosis or death effectively.

结果:酪丝亮肽能显著延长腹水型肝癌H_(22)小鼠的生存时间,给药剂量为80μg/kg/d时疗效最显著,达到69.24%,在20μg/kg/d-80μg/kg/d剂量范围内生命延长率为50-70%,给药剂量与荷瘤鼠生存时间呈现一定量效关系;酪丝亮肽能显著抑制人肝癌BEL-7402移植瘤裸鼠的肿瘤生长,给药剂量为160μg/kg/d时疗效最显著,抑制率为44.03%,并且在40-320μg/kg/d剂量范围内抑制率为25-50%,给药剂量与肿瘤抑制率呈现一定量效关系;酪丝亮肽体外对人肝癌BEL-7402细胞生长有一定的抑制作用,在作用72hrs时各浓度酪丝亮肽对肿瘤细胞的抑制作用较24hrs、48hrs、96hrs明显,其中浓度为100μg/ml时抑制率达19.36%;酪丝亮肽体内外均能增强小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞对肿瘤细胞的杀伤:体外作用中巨噬细胞对BEL-7402、B16-F10的杀伤功能明显增强,与效应细胞对照组相比有显著性差异(P<0.05)杀伤率分别达到35.58%、61.2%;体内作用中巨噬细胞对BEL-7402、B16-F10的杀伤功能明显增强,与生理盐水对照组相比有显著性差异(P 。05),杀伤率分别达到21.39%、47.63%;裸鼠腹腔巨噬细胞经酪丝亮肤作用后对BEL一7402、B 16一F10杀伤功能明显增强,与生理盐水对照组相比有显著性差异(P.05),最高杀伤率分别达到32.86%、73.07%;酪丝亮肤能增强单核巨噬细胞系统的吞噬功能,吞噬指数与生理盐水组比较有显著性差异(P.05);酪丝亮肤体外作用能促进小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞分泌合成细胞毒效应分子IL一lp、TNF一Q和NO,与效应细胞对照组相比有显著性差异(P.05);酪丝亮肤体内作用能促进小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞分泌合成细胞毒效应分子IL一lp、TNF一Q和NO,与生理盐水对照组相比有显著性差异(P.05);酪丝亮肤能促进鼠巨噬细胞株R戌W264.7分泌合成IL一1p和NO,IL一1日、NO水平分别在酪丝亮肤作用24hrs、12hrs时达到高峰,酪丝亮肤单独应用能提高巨噬细胞的分泌合成功能,而且酪丝亮肤能与LPS协同作用刺激巨噬细胞的细胞毒效应分子分泌合成。

Kinds of culture in 21st century are becoming compatible and fusional. Vocal art is of no exception. Based on the current situation andtrend, this article applies methods such as Historical-Descriptive,culture perspective and theoretical analysis to the research of singing skills of bel canto and the folk singing in order to analyze the art characteristics and the real possibility of fusion between them. At the same time, successful examples are combined to work out the possible way for the application of bel canto in folk singing and nationalization of bel canto.


更多网络解释 与Bel相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这种果实是一种叫作"贝尔"(bel)的青绿色坚果. 据说它代表着男子的健康长寿和情感专一. 虽然是同一颗青果结婚,但婚礼的仪式却如同正式婚礼一样隆重. 婚礼完毕,父母要将贝尔新郎用一块红布包起收好,女孩子也恢复了她往日的童稚生活.


美国CRC -请把各个国家的简称给我发来 例如 中国 CN 阿尔巴尼亚(ALB) 阿尔及利亚(ALG) 阿根廷(ARG) 亚美尼亚(ARM) 澳大利亚(AUS) 奥地利(AUT) 巴巴多斯(BAR) 比利时(BEL) 百慕大(BER) 白俄罗斯(BLR) 巴西(BRA) 保加利亚(BU


"分"(deci-)指十分之一,个位是"贝"(bel),但一般只采用分贝. 为"特定参考密度",人. 的起始可听"密度"为10. 0分贝的标准设定,是根据听力正常的人所能听到的最小声音而厘定的. 每增加10分贝等于强度增加10倍,增加20分贝增加100倍,30分贝则增加1000倍.


二位十六进制 响铃(BEL) 退格(BS) 换页(FF) 换行(LF) 回车(CR) 水平制表(HT) 垂直制表(VT) 反斜杠 问号字符 单引号字符 双引号字符 空字符(NULL) 任意字符 任意字符 字符常量中使用单引号和反斜杠以及字符常量中使用双引号和反斜杠时,

Bel:abbr. biological exposure limit; 生物接触限值

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