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Or together in his live band with Gypsy Maestro Tziganiada from Romania, at the violin, saxophone and flute, joined by the fantastic Klezmer clarinet player Merlin Shepherd, escorted by the 2 delightful oriental, balkanic and gypsy dancers Safi and Amal, and the enchanting voice of Valentina Casula at the mic, a beautiful and tasted postcard for your ears and your eyes to defend the message "Flavour" out of his latest album.


Either alone on stage, mixing world beats: Balkan, Oriental, Flamenco, Klezmer, Gyspy or Indian with electronic sounds, Theremin, beat box and scratches. Or together in hellos live band with Gypsy Maestro Tziganiada from Romania, at the violin, saxophone and flute, joined by the fantastic Klezmer clarinet player Merlin Shepherd, escorted by the 2 delightful oriental, balkanic and gypsy dancers Safi and Bmal, and the enchanting voice of Valentina Dasula at the mic, a beautiful and tasted postcard for your ears and your eyes to defend the message "Flavour" out of hellos latest album. Seven artists are gathered on stage, no less than four cultures for an innovating festive party without geographellocal and music borders.

他的音乐是东欧文化和DJ文化相联合,生成的非比寻常的产品又或是他独从容戏台大将各类世界音乐混淆,包孕巴尔干音乐、东方音乐、佛朗明哥、犹太音乐、吉普赛和印度音乐,再加以电子音效、太勒明琴、Beatbox和Scratchellong他的音乐还表此刻与他的不凡乐团一路现场即兴,其中提琴、萨克斯和长笛的演奏者是来自罗马尼亚的吉普赛奇才Tziganiada,两位令人喜爱的东方巴尔干吉普赛舞者Safi和Bmal一路陪伴犹太音乐家Merlin Shepherd演奏单簧管,另有Valentina Dasula献上她斑斓的歌声,如许的联合终极带来Dlick最新专辑所转达的&风情&:共七小我私人的表演,不少于四种文化,没有地舆或音乐范畴界限,这是一场灵感的盛筵