英语人>词典>英汉 : Back to School的中文,翻译,解释,例句
Back to School的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Back to School

Back to School的基本解释


更多网络例句与Back to School相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Flee-fled-fled flee from +地点 flee away 25.marry sb=get/be married to sb 26.ask sb to marry sb 27.in one's forties 28.have a happy ending have a sad ending 29.feel embarrassed an embarrassing thing 30.get up 31.fall asleep 32.look stressed out 33.have a bad morning 34.first of all 35.get in the shower =go into the bathroom get out of the shower take a quick show 36.get dressed 37.run all the way to school 38.no wonder 39.run back to school 40.get outside 41.get to school 42.leave one's sth at +地点 43.make it 1The train will arrive at 10:15. I think we'll make it. 2We've almost made it . 3Keep on and you'll make it.

be late for school 逃离从某地逃离逃离/逃跑和某人结婚求婚在某人的四十多岁有个美好的结局有个悲伤的结局感觉尴尬一件尴尬的事起床睡着看上去筋疲力尽有个糟糕的早上首先洗澡洗澡洗完澡洗一个快澡穿衣一路跑向学校难怪跑回学校出去到达学校把某人的某物落在某地来的及某事及时赶到/到达目的我们几乎成功了办成功,做成功坚持就会成功上学迟到 4I think we should make it another time。

Born in Edinburgh in 1959, his family spent a couple of years in Trinidad before settling in Canada; Doig moved back to Britain, to study at St Martin's School of Art, thereafter returning to Canada (he had a stint as scene painter for film sets in Montreal); it was back to London for his MA, and he now lives in Trinidad.

他于1959年生于爱丁堡,他的家庭在定居加拿大之前在特立尼达生活了几年;多伊格随后搬回英国,到圣马丁艺术学校(St Martin's School of Art)学习,其后又回到加拿大(他曾在蒙特利尔做过电影布景画师);后来他又回到伦敦攻读硕士学位,而现在生活在特立尼达岛。

Previous Back-to-School promotions have run through the first half of September.


更多网络解释与Back to School相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fight Back to School:年 《逃學威龍>

1991年 > Legend of the Dragon | 1991年 > Fight Back to School | 1991年 > God of Gamblers 2:Back To Shanghai

go back to school:重回到属于我的地方|继续把高中最后一年念完

Joey, can you|give me any information...|... about what... | Just get back to my roots, take|my senior year off, go back to school.|重回到属于我的地方|继续把高中最后一年念完 | I'm just trying to keep i...

back-to-school goods:学生用商品

back-to-front ratio ==> 反-正比 | back-to-school goods ==> 学生用商品 | back-track algorithm ==> 回溯算法