Asia ['eiʒə]
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And at present Japanese economic depression is being imported from East Asia through decreasing, cloggy investment, cut to East Asia the way such as stability of finance of East Asia of pair of East Asia ODA, influence, cause serious negative effect to East Asia economy.
而目前日本的经济衰退正通过减少从东亚进口、妨碍对东亚投资、缩减对东亚 ODA、影响东亚金融稳定等途径,对东亚经济造成严重的消极影响。
Love was the maternal donor of the polyploid Elymus; the "Y" genome existed in the StY-genome Elymus may be differentiated from the St genome, i.e., the autopolyploid StSt-genome species probably experienced genomic differentiation within a species after autopolyploidy, leading to the significant genomic change and resulting the StY-genome allotetraploids; the StY genome species distributed in the Central Asia with a high level of genetic diversity radiated to the Western and Eastern Asia, under the environmental selection and other factors, and only a few species spread to the western Asia and most species have remained in the Central and eastern Asia.
Under the double circumstances of the world trade center's transfer to the Northeast Asia and vitalizing the northeastern traditional industrial base, the central antherities poses the strategy that Dalian will be constructed the Northeast Asia important international shipping center . It is the need of the speeding up the strategy of country development and vitalizing the northeastern traditional industrial base and the mission facing the cooperation and compertition of the regional economy of the Northeast Asia, namely Dalian will be first joined in the economic circle of the Northeast Asia and take magistral effect .
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"亚洲"(Asia)这一地理区划,首先来自欧洲人. 古希腊人称他们国家以东的地方为"Asia",即今土耳其小亚细亚以东,也有一种意见认为源自古国"亚述",意即"东方",在早期的欧洲人的概念中,亚洲就等于东方的意思.
他在>(The New Republic)和 >(Asia)两个杂志上发表的几十篇文章,都是用最忠实的态度对于世界为我们做解释的. 因为他的人格高尚,故世界的人对于他的评判几乎没有异议. (除了朴兰德(Bland)一流的妄人!
单行本是1937年11月1日当时的进步书社(现上海复旦大学文摘社)出版,上海四马路黎明书局(现在的福州路)经售. 原文首先在>(Asia)上分四期发表后,经汪衡翻译,周民校正的译本在>中连续刊出,曾引起读者关注.
7月28日,"亚信"(ASIA)宣布斥股作价3亿元人民币置换联想IT服务业务主体部分,并成立一家专门从事非电信IT服务的新公司-联想亚信科技有限公司. 这个一度为众多民族中小软件企业所难以企及的前电信级软件霸主"没落"后,
Asia:abbr. american spinal injury association; 根据美国脊柱损伤学会
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