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Resistance responses were studied in different Arabidopsis ecotypes after being inoculated by some important plant pathogens. According to the results, molecular mechanisms of resistance and expression of the defense-related genes in resistance and susceptible Arabidopsis ecotypes were studied. Results followed in this paper.All the 11 Arabidopsis ecotypes tested were incompatible to Erysiphe convolvuli, Alternaria brassicicola, Setosphaeria turcica and Verticillium dahliae.
Comparabilityof some segments reached about 86% to 90% including Arabidopsis thaliana CIPK7、Arabidopsis thaliana At3g23000 gene、Arabidopsis thaliana SNF1 related protein kinase(At3g23000; MXC7.3) mRNA、Cucumis sativus RBL1 mRNA, complete cds、Ranunculusmacranthus ribosomal protein L14 (rp114) gene, partial cds、Daucus carota chromasomecomplete genome and so on. There are also some other segments had a low identity andconsidered as unknown genes.
During the postgenomics era the information about genomic sequence and gene functions provides a new foundation for evolutionary biology and ecology As the first whole-genome sequenced plant Arabidopsis thaliana and its wild relatives have played a critical role in understanding the evolution of genomics and speciation Both A halleri and A lyrata are closely related to the model species A thaliana A halleri ssp gemmifera occurs in northeastern China Japan and Taiwan; while its sister A halleri ssp halleri is mainly distributed in Europe Geographical barriers such as Tienshan Mountain Range isolate these intraspecific sisters Likewise A lyrata ssp kamchatica and ssp lyrata occur in East Asia and North America respectively Such distribution patterns seem to be consistent with allopartic speciation The comparison between ancestral and extant polymorphism by multilocus can be informative about the population genetics of speciation In this study we collected and analyzed DNA sequences of 98 genes from four wild relatives of A thaliana A halleri ssp gemmifera A halleri ssp halleri A lyrata ssp kamchatica and A lyrata ssp lyrata The ancestral states of these four species were compared to each other in terms of level of genetic variation However the ancestral species at the time of speciation were substantially more polymorphic than the extant geographical populations The observations are not fully compatible with speciation by strict allopatry At some species pairs parapatric speciation seems more reasonable in speciation of Arabidopsis The 98 gene sequences are also used for the congruence test between gene genealogy and species phylogeny Only 28 genes support the species phylogeny but there are 23 genes supports another major genealogy { lyrata} thaliana Based on the phylogenetic position change of A lyrata ssp kamchatica and Ks value for each species pair suggested the recent directional gene flow between A halleri ssp gemmifera and A lyrata ssp kamchatica
阿拉伯芥是第一个完成基因体定序的开花植物,其基因体资讯提供植物学研究的重要依据;在解析阿拉伯芥属物种的亲缘关系以及种化机制等重要的演化议题时,阿拉伯芥近缘的野生物种自然成了不可或缺的关键;跟阿拉伯芥近缘的物种包括A halleri及A lyrata,其中A halleri ssp gemmifera主要分布於中国东北、日本以及台湾,与近缘的A halleri ssp halleri其分布於欧洲隔著天山及大陆的障蔽,而A lyrata ssp kamchatica主要分布於东北亚及台湾,与分布於北美五大湖的A lyrata ssp lyrata被北极圈所分隔,这样的分布模式暗示异域种化的可能。藉由多基因分析比较祖先物种与现生物种遗传歧异度的相关可提供讯息探讨种化时期的族群遗传结构,本研究针对A halleri ssp gemmifera、A halleri ssp halleri及A lyrata ssp kamchatica、A lyrata ssp lyrata四个物种,两对互为亚种的姊妹群,以阿拉伯芥为外群进行研究,在四个物种完成98个同源基因的分子序列,利用套装软体MCMCcoal来估算祖先物种的遗传变异,亦估算现生物种的核苷酸歧异度,观察到?多物种配对中祖先物种遗传多型性大於现生物种DNA歧异度,显示异域种化模型并无法完全解释阿拉伯芥属物种的种化模式,在某些物种配对间邻域种化模式应比异域种化更为可能;在基因树与物种树的比较,98个基因片段的亲缘模式只有28个是与已知物种树一致的,有23个基因其树状图支持{ lyrata} thaliana的型式,藉由kamchatica位置的变化以及估算各物种配对间的平均同义置换率,推测在A halleri ssp gemmifera与A lyrata ssp kamchatica间具有近代的单方向基因交流。
- 更多网络解释 与Arabidopsis相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
十字花科(Brassicaceae) 鼠耳芥属(Arabidopsis) 拟南芥(A. thaliana)microRNA(miRNA)是拟南芥研究中近几年来最值得注意的热点之一. miRNA是高等真核生物中一类非翻译RNA,由基因组编码. miRNA前体的转录过程与普通基因mRNA的转录过程基本类似.
后来他们在岩石粉末中加入几种细菌,结果小花居然重获生机,开得欣欣向荣,原因很可能是细菌能够从粉末中撷取钾之类的养分,供金盏花利用. 佛因博士表示,除了金盏花之外,郁金香、甘蓝菜和阿拉伯芥(arabidopsis)都适合充当绿化月球的先锋.
Arabidopsis thaliana:拟南芥菜
基于这些事实,人们选中了一种毫无经济价值的小草--拟南芥菜(Arabidopsis thaliana)作为模式植物. 最早以拟南芥菜为实验材料的是一些经典的遗传学家,但近5年来,越来越多的植物分子生物学家和发育学家开始用它作为实验材料,
Arabidopsis thaliana:拟南芥
龚 洵 (30670210) 叉叶苏铁复合群(Cycas micholitzii complex)的保护遗传学的研究 优秀;"在分子水平上解析拟南芥膜脂组成对高温胁迫的响应"(编号30670474):项目解析了膜脂11类120种分子在:(1) 拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)响应高温胁迫的热锻炼、热激和恢复过程中;
Arabidopsis thaliana:芥末
Isoprenoid 类异戊二烯 | Arabidopsis thaliana 芥末 | Microbe 微生物
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