英语人>词典>英汉 : Annelida的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

Annelida [ə'nelidə]


[动]环节动物门, 环虫类

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Macro-invertebrate from Annelida, Mollusca and Arthropoda were found in six sections from Baihe to Zhejiang road in the Suzhou River, among which four species were from Oligochaeta, two species from Hirudinea, five species from Gastropoda, two species from Bivalvia and several species from Insecta.


The metazoans in the Wenghui Biota had radiate symmetrical animals, including Porifera, Ctenophora, Cnidaria, and Trilobozoas, and bilateral symmetrical animals, including Annelida and possible Mollusca.


Most species belong to Indian-West Pacific tropical fauna. The dominant groups are Mollusca and Annelida. The average biomass, density and diversity of macrobenthos were 1043.37 g/m^2, 692.37 Ind/m^2 and 5.5228 respectively.

优势类群是软体动物和节肢动物,底栖生物的平均生物量、栖息密度和多样性指数分别是1043.37 g/平方公尺、692.37个/平方公尺和5.5228。

Any of numerous relatively small elongated soft-bodied animals especially of the phyla Annelida and Chaetognatha and Nematoda and Nemertea and Platyhelminthes; also many insect larvae.


Any of various invertebrates, as those of the phyla Annelida, Nematoda, Nemertea, or Platyhelminthes, having a long, flexible, rounded or flattened body, often without obvious appendages.


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Phylum Annelida:环节动物门

圆型动物门 Phylum Nematoda | 环节动物门 Phylum Annelida | 鞭毛虫纲 Class Mastigophora

Phylum Annelida:(环形动物门)

Class Acanthocephala(钩头虫纲)如钩头虫Spiny-headed worms | Phylum Annelida(环形动物门) | Class Polychaeta(多毛纲)如沙蚕Sandworms


环节动物门(Annelida). 体长圆柱形或长而扁平,左右对称,由前后相连的许多形态相似的体节组合而成,体节在外部形态上表现为体表的环纹. 有的有不分节的附肢,即疣足;有的无附肢,而只有刚毛,以佐运动. 体腔多数明显.


物(Bryophyta)资源第五节 蕨类植物(Pteridophyta)资源第六节 裸子植物(Gymnospermae)资源第一节 原生动物(Protozoa)资源第二节 有刺胞动物(Cnidaria)资源第三节 线虫(Nematoda)资源第四节 环节 动物(Annelida)资源第五节 软体动


有循环系统. 一般认为纽形动物是最高等的无体腔动物的一个独立的门. 纽形动物用以分类的重要特徵是脑与口的相对位置,吻上有无小针刺及侧神经与肌肉层的相对位置. 某些环形动物门(Annelida)的血虫(bloodworm)亦称吻虫.

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